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Zelensky expresses anticipation for the delivery of the promised billion-dollar assistance to Ukraine.

The G7 has pledged billions to Ukraine, yet President Zelensky emphasizes the necessity of corresponding actions.

Zelensky continues to anticipate the delivery of promised assistance.
Zelensky continues to anticipate the delivery of promised assistance.

- Zelensky expresses anticipation for the delivery of the promised billion-dollar assistance to Ukraine.

Ukraine is eager, as President Volodymyr Zelenskyy stated, for the immediate distribution of the billions in aid promised by the West, with part of the funding coming from the proceeds of frozen Russian government assets. Despite numerous political justifications from Ukraine's allies, Zelenskyy emphasized in his evening video address, "We need a concrete solution." The country requires the earnings from Russia's assets to fend off the adversary. "The deliberations have been dragging on too long, and we need results now."

The seven significant Western industrialized nations (G7) approved fresh financial aid for Ukraine at their summit in June. The $50 billion loan will be secured by interest payments from the frozen Russian assets.

Intense clashes persist

Meanwhile, Russian forces persisted in their attacks to enlarge their territorial control around the Donbass. According to the General Staff in Kyiv, there were intense fights around Pokrovsk. Intense fighting was also reported from Torez, where Russian forces were allegedly reinforced by air strikes with dive bombs. These reports could not be substantiated.

"We can observe the enemy's moves and are strengthening our positions," said Zelenskyy. He urged the Western allies to deliver the promised weapons and ammunition promptly. "This is crucial for our defense."

Ukraine targets Kursk

The Ukrainian forces proceeded with their advance into Russian territory in Kursk. "We have control over certain areas," said Zelenskyy, without providing additional details. He also thanked the Ukrainian soldiers in Kursk "for augmenting our captive exchange fund" - a colloquial term for the capture of more Russian soldiers, who are to be exchanged for Ukrainian citizens held by Russian authorities.

Russia and Ukraine regularly exchange prisoners of war. In the early stages of the operation, Ukraine captured many prisoners of war, as the Russian side initially deployed less experienced and effective combat units.

Ukrainian air force strikes targets in Kursk

Ukrainian Air Force Commander Mykola Oleschchuk reported successful sorties by his fighter pilots in the western Russian region of Kursk. Mainly precision bombs were used against Russian positions and troop concentrations. These reports could not be verified independently.

Despite Russian units now using abandoned houses as part of their defensive lines, they remain vulnerable to attacks. "We observe everything, we know everything," Oleschchuk wrote on the Telegram platform. "Our precision bombs will find you anywhere."

Precision bombs refer to guided glide bombs. Among other things, two essential bridges over the Seim River were destroyed by fighter jets during the advance in the Kursk region.

Oleschchuk did not disclose which types of aircraft Ukraine used in its attacks. According to Ukrainian military experts, the F-16 fighter jets supplied by the West have not yet been deployed. Ukraine still has combat jets of the Soviet type MiG-29 in its inventory.

According to Ukrainian reports, Russian air strikes were noticed in settlements still under Russian control in the region. A total of 17 Russian air strikes with 27 guided bombs against Russian villages were reported by the General Staff in Kyiv. These reports could not be verified independently.

The G7 partners agreed to secure the $50 billion loan for Ukraine with interest payments from the frozen Russian assets, a move that could provide significant funding for Ukraine's defence. As Zelenskyy emphasized, the partners, including the G7, should deliver the promised weapons and ammunition promptly, as this is crucial for the Ukrainian partners to fend off their adversary.

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