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Young person dies after lightning strike in Lower Saxony

Over a week ago, heavy thunderstorms passed over parts of Lower Saxony. A family was injured by a lightning strike in Delmenhorst - and a teenager has since died from the consequences.

A family was surprised by a storm while grilling (archive image)
A family was surprised by a storm while grilling (archive image)

Adverse weather - Young person dies after lightning strike in Lower Saxony

More than a week after a lightning strike in Delmenhorst, Lower Saxony, a 14-year-old girl has died. The girl died in the hospital from her injuries, according to the police, who referred to the clinic for information.

The girl had sought shelter with her family from the storm eight days ago under a tree. Seven members of her family were also injured. There is no new information about the five-year-old boy who was critically injured, the police said.

Family surprised by thunderstorm at barbecue area

According to reports, the family was at a public barbecue area in a park in the afternoon of July 21 and sought shelter from the approaching thunderstorm by standing under a tree. However, a lightning strike occurred right next to them.

Eight members of the family were injured, according to emergency services. The five-year-old boy and the 14-year-old girl had to be resuscitated and were taken to the hospital with life-threatening injuries.

Earlier reports from the police stated that the 38-year-old mother and her nine-year-old daughter were seriously injured. The 40-year-old father, a twelve-year-old son, a two-year-old daughter, and a 31-year-old relative had light injuries and were also taken to hospitals for treatment.

Most lightning accidents near trees

People often seek shelter under trees to escape the rain and overlook the danger during thunderstorms, said Andreas Walter, a meteorologist at the German Weather Service (DWD). Some even pay attention to the tree species, as they believe in the old saying: "You should yield to oaks, seek shelter in beeches." However, Walter explained, there is no difference between tree species. "It's a myth."

According to expert Thomas Raphael, most lightning accidents in Germany occur in relation to trees. According to a VDE analysis, there are approximately seven fatalities and 120 injuries nationwide each year due to lightning strikes.

"The survivors often suffer severe damage that can affect them for the rest of their lives," said Raphael. They struggle with nervous damage, personality changes, memory loss, and disruption of the cold-warm sensation.

Seek shelter in time during thunderstorms

The first lightning bolt of a thunderstorm can cause damage, warned electrical engineer Raphael. Therefore, everyone should inform themselves about the weather conditions before any outdoor activity and keep an eye on the weather during the activity. "I need to find shelter early on." Raphael observes that people have less respect for the power of nature and then, despite the danger, go to a park to grill.

  1. The unfortunate incident occurred in Lower Saxony, specifically in Delmenhorst, during a thunderstorm.
  2. Andreas Walter, a meteorologist from the German Weather Service (DWD), emphasized that seeking shelter under trees during thunderstorms can be dangerous, often leading to lightning strikes.
  3. The family, who were enjoying a barbecue in a park on July 21, were unaware of this danger and sought shelter under a tree, ultimately experiencing a lightning strike.
  4. In the aftermath of the incident, the local police in Delmenhorst continued to provide updates on the condition of the injured family members, including the 5-year-old boy, whose critical status remained a concern.

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