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Young people in Sachsen-Anhalt particularly threatened by poverty

People between the ages of 18 and 25 in Sachsen-Anhalt have a higher poverty risk than others. However, other groups are also threatened.

Young people are particularly threatened by poverty according to the Mikrosensus in Saxony-Anhalt.
Young people are particularly threatened by poverty according to the Mikrosensus in Saxony-Anhalt.

Microcensus 2023 - Young people in Sachsen-Anhalt particularly threatened by poverty

Young people in Saxony-Anhalt are particularly at risk of poverty. According to preliminary results of the Microcensus, 29.3% of women and 25.6% of men between the ages of 18 and 25 were at risk of poverty last year, as reported by the Statistical State Office. The poverty risk was significantly lower among people aged 50 to under 65 (12.6%), and the lowest among people aged 65 and over (12.1%).

Unemployed persons (62.8%), parents with three or more children (33.3%), single parents (33.1%), and people over 25 with low qualifications (37.3%) also had an increased poverty risk.

15.4% of the population was at risk of poverty.

The highest poverty risk was in the region of Halle/Saale (17.3%), which includes the free city of Halle (Saale), Saalekreis, Burgenlandkreis, and Mansfeld-Südharz districts. The lowest risk was in the Anhalt-Bitterfeld-Wittenberg region (12.8%), which also includes the free city of Dessau-Roßlau.

In total, 15.4% of the population in Saxony-Anhalt was at risk of poverty. Saxony-Anhalt has a lower poverty rate than the federal average of 16.9%, but a slightly higher rate than the average of the other eastern German federal states (including Berlin) of 15.2%. According to the Statistical Office, someone is considered at risk of poverty if they have less than 60% of the average monthly household net income at their disposal. In Saxony-Anhalt, this amount was 1895 Euros per person.

  1. Despite the lower poverty rate in Saxony-Anhalt compared to the federal average, areas like Halle/Saale still exhibit significantly higher poverty risks among its population.
  2. The preliminary Microcensus data reveals that younger women and men in Saxony-Anhalt, specifically those aged 18 to 25, face a higher poverty risk compared to older demographics.
  3. Unemployment, having three or more children, being a single parent, and possessing low qualifications all contribute to an increased poverty risk in Saxony-Anhalt, as statistics show.
  4. Poverty risks are not uniform across the different regions in Saxony-Anhalt, with Halle/Saale displaying a higher risk compared to areas like Anhalt-Bitterfeld-Wittenberg.

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