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Young patient describes horror in Kiew's children clinic: 'I thought that was it'

Young Solomiia Femeniuk was at her dialysis when a Russian rocket hit the Kiev children's clinic 'Ochmatdyt'. The 16-year-old speaks of her fear of death.

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Russian rocket attack - Young patient describes horror in Kiew's children clinic: 'I thought that was it'

After the devastating rocket strike on a building of a children's hospital in the capital Kiev, the Ukrainian Justice Ministry has released evidence for a Russian rocket. "Specific construction features of the found debris fragments and corresponding typical markings indicate the use of a strategic cruise missile of the Ch-101 type," Vice Justice Minister Andrij Hajtschenko said according to a statement.

Such rockets have a warhead weighing around 400 kilograms and a range of up to 5000 kilometers. Over 30 fragments of the rocket have been found, including parts of the engine and the wing. Previously, the Ukrainian security service SBU had already presented photos of debris fragments of a Ch-101 rocket. The Kremlin claims that the clinic building was hit by a Ukrainian anti-aircraft missile.

Over 30 Dead in Kiev

On Monday, a rocket hit a two-story building on the grounds of the children's hospital "Ochmatdyt" in Kiev. Two adults, including a doctor, were killed. Over 30 people, including at least 8 Children, were injured. In the heaviest rocket attack on targets in the capital since the beginning of the year, over 30 civilians were killed in the three-million city.

Ukraine has been repelling a Russian invasion for over two years. Regularly, civilian objects are hit in Russian rocket and drone attacks. Kiev repeatedly urges its western allies for stronger deliveries of air defense systems.

  1. The incident at the children's hospital in Kiev has become a top-news headline around the world, with the Children's Clinic also severely affected.
  2. International organizations, including the World Health Organization, have expressed concern over the impact of the Ukraine war on health facilities, such as the Children's Hospital in Kiev.
  3. The children who survived the rocket strike in Kiev are now undergoing dialysis treatment at the Children's Hospital.
  4. The Ukrainian President, addressing a UN Security Council meeting, called for an end to the Russian aggression and the protection of civilian infrastructure, including the Children's Hospital in Kiev.
  5. Amidst the ongoing Ukraine war, the need for safe and accessible healthcare facilities for children, like the Children's Hospital in Kiev, has become more critical than ever.

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