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Young Environmentalists Reject Proposed New Military Duty

The union is lacking in clarity.

"Our crisis-ridden generation already has enough to deal with," said Green Youth spokeswoman...
"Our crisis-ridden generation already has enough to deal with," said Green Youth spokeswoman Appuhn, objecting to Pistorius' plans.

Young Environmentalists Reject Proposed New Military Duty

The Green Youth movement won't benefit from a proposed "new military service" model. Spokeswoman, Appuhn, expresses her concern stating that the youth are already dealing with various crises and don't need more responsibility. Contentions from the Union question the clarity of this model.

Svenja Appuhn, Green Youth's co-spokeswoman, voiced her opposition towards the proposal by Defense Minister, Boris Pistorius, for a "new military service". "Our crisis-burdened generation already has enough on their plate," she said to RND media. "The Defense Minister should ensure that mandatory military service will ultimately be a voluntary option. Any compulsory enlistment without consent is unacceptable." Appuhn suggests various channels to make the Bundeswehr more appealing to the youth: "There are other ways to enhance the Bundeswehr's appeal without making young people mere tools for political purposes."

Appuhn further stated, "Further, we expect that by hiring volunteers, they will be treated the same as conscripts." The politician expresses her worries over the current services' salaries, "$400 per month, mostly without any inclusion of accommodation or travel expenses, is a joke." Additionally, many military sectors face a severe lack of personnel. This aspect shouldn't be neglected.

Volunteer or Militia? Uncertainty prevails.

CDU/CSU parliamentary group's chair, Johann Wadephul, expressed doubt regarding the model of a new military service. "The model presented by Minister Pistorius is neither fish nor meat," he told RND group. "Is he trying to expand the volunteer recruitment base for the Bundeswehr or establish a large group for protection duties, which somewhat resembles a militia?" Furthermore, additional details needed to be clarified by this SPD (Social Democratic Party) Minister.

The goal of the "New Military Service" involves a yearly recruitment of an additional 5,000 conscripts selected from a pool of approximately 400,000 candidates beginning in 2025. The model envisions a mandatory 6-month basic military service with the option for extended voluntary service up to an extra 17 months. Additionally, a compulsory questionnaire will be introduced for male youth to declare their readiness and ability in military service. Females can fill it out, but are not bound to do so.

Read also:

The Green party's Alliance 90/The Greens strongly opposes Defense Minister Boris Pistorius' proposal for a new mandatory military service, with spokeswoman Appuhn arguing that it's unnecessary burden for the youth. The Union parliamentary group raises questions over the clarity and intention of this proposed model. The CDU/CSU parliamentary group's chair, Johann Wadephul, expresses uncertainty, questioning if the goal is to expand volunteer recruitment or establish a large protection duty force, resembling a militia.

