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Xi Jinping warns European Union against confrontation course

Summit meeting in Beijing

Xi Jinping warns European Union against confrontation
Xi Jinping warns European Union against confrontation

Xi Jinping warns European Union against confrontation course

Chinese President Xi Jinping has warned the European Union against viewing China as a rival and embarking on a course of confrontation. At a summit in Beijing with EU leaders, including Commission President Ursula von der Leyen, Xi emphasized on Thursday that China was prepared to regard the EU as an important economic and trading partner. He also offered cooperation in the fields of science and technology, including artificial intelligence. He reiterated his opposition to "all kinds of interference", as the Chinese state television station CCTV reported.

The first physical meeting between the EU leaders and the Chinese leadership in four years was attended by von der Leyen, the President of the European Council, Charles Michel, and the EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs, Josep Borrell. During their one-day visit, they were also due to meet with Chinese Prime Minister Li Qiang. No concrete agreements were expected.

Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi had called on the EU ambassadors in Beijing on Monday that Europe should prioritize "peace and stability" over a "new Cold War". The background to this is that a number of EU states have tightened their policy towards authoritarian China. This year, the German government adopted a China strategy that views the People's Republic more as a systemic rival than as a partner and competitor. Italy recently withdrew from the Silk Road Initiative promoted by Xi. The EU states also criticize distortions of competition on the Chinese market, Beijing's threats against Taiwan and the close partnership with Russia, especially after Moscow's war against Ukraine.

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