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Wüst advises mandatory insurance for natural catastrophes.

The Chancellor needs to take action.

The heads of the federal states want to discuss the possible introduction of compulsory insurance...
The heads of the federal states want to discuss the possible introduction of compulsory insurance with Scholz on June 20.

Wüst advises mandatory insurance for natural catastrophes.

It's time to put an end to the inactivity, says Hendrik Wüst, NRW Minister President. He emphasizes the need to introduce a mandatory insurance for natural disasters, reminding Chancellor Scholz of his promise.

Wüst demands action from Scholz, highlighting Germany's fragile state in the face of extreme weather events like the recent flood disaster. "Rain is constant in Germany, but Scholz is yet to lift a finger. I firmly expect him to keep his word and introduce mandatory insurance for natural disasters," says Wüst.

"We must adapt to the new reality of frequent extreme weather incidents in Germany. Mandatory insurance for natural disasters would be the perfect financial preventative measure," says Wüst. He adds, "As Finance Minister and Chancellor, Scholz has expressed support for this idea before. It's about leadership, whether he can keep his word when handling flood disasters. The states are all aligned on this issue, now it's up to the traffic light coalition to step up."

The state leaders are set to discuss the possibility of a mandatory insurance for natural disasters with Scholz on June 20th. "Mandatory insurance for natural disasters would provide financial protection to many people, safeguarding them from economic ruin in an emergency. It would also be in the best interests of taxpayers, who are currently paying heavy damages under the present system," declares Wüst. "Yet another postponement is not an option after years of inaction."

Nevertheless, Haus & Grund, the property owners' association, opposes the idea of a mandatory insurance. "A mandatory insurance won't stop a single damage incident," says Kai Warnecke, association president. Instead, he advocates for protective measures like banning construction in high-risk areas and conducting a publicly available risk analysis. Despite this, Warnecke acknowledges the merits of mandatory insurance for natural disasters, noting how they can protect against devastating financial consequences.


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