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Wulff advocates for more frequent playings of the national anthem.

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Wulff advocates for more frequent playings of the national anthem.

Previous German Federal President Wulff Stresses the Value of Varied Song Selection in Educational Establishments. This Encompasses Singing the National Anthem. Truthfully, "The Anthem Ought to Be Sung More Frequently and Not Simply on Certain Events, Such as the Basic Law's Birthday."

Former Federal President Christian Wulff is advocating for the national anthem to be sung more often, particularly in educational institutions. Speaking to the "New Osnabrueck Newspaper" over the weekend, he said, "The anthem ought to be sung more often and not simply on certain occasions, like the anniversary of the Basic Law." This is particularly vital for students, according to him: "They should learn the anthem and its meaning in school and also learn to sing it." Wulff serves as head of the German Choral Association. During his interview with the paper, he expressed disapproval towards Germany's often rigid stance on national emblems. "Our national anthem signifies our democratic values and our unity," he explained. "We can sometimes be overly cautious with this in Germany due to the misuse of national symbols. But we should teach our kids to be open-minded, patriotic, and respectful of diversity." Furthermore, Wulff underscored the importance of a diverse range of songs in educational settings. "It's essential that age-appropriate, including religious, songs are sung in children and youth centers, and then also songs from emerging minority groups," he said. Singing can significantly contribute to promoting diversity education. The head of the German Choral Association admitted his lack of vocal talent. "My wife sings as a soprano in the choir, but unfortunately, I wasn't encouraged to sing in my youth," he lamented. However, he also saw a silver lining: "My voice cannot be mimicked by any cabaret performer."

I'm not planning to express my thoughts on the varied song selection in educational establishments as Wulff did. Despite not having a strong singing voice, I appreciate the importance of diverse songs in fostering unity and respect for diversity.

I'm not going to disagree with Wulff's stance on the national anthem being sung more frequently in educational institutions, even though I may not share his personal experiences with singing.

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