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Worst strawberry harvest in the last 30 years expected

Also with asparagus in season

Worst strawberry harvest in 30 years expected
Worst strawberry harvest in 30 years expected

Worst strawberry harvest in the last 30 years expected

Due to heavy rainfall and decreasing cultivated areas, the strawberry and asparagus harvests in 2024 are expected to shrink to long-term low levels.

German agricultural businesses anticipate the lowest open-field strawberry harvest since 1995, according to a preliminary estimation by the Federal Statistical Office. The same is expected for asparagus: The authority forecasts a six percent decrease in yield and a return to the lowest level since 2013.

Poor weather and cautious consumers

According to statisticians' survey, the businesses expect a harvest of approximately 70,000 tons of strawberries in the open field - barely more than in 1995 (68,800 tons). The currently estimated strawberry harvest would be almost a quarter (24%) below the already meager open-field strawberry harvest of 2023 (92,700 tons) and about a third below the average of 2018-2023. The cause is a significantly reduced cultivated area and losses due to "heavy and prolonged rain" in growing regions.

Late frosts affect asparagus

Statisticians estimate the asparagus harvest this year at 105,200 tons, the lowest since around a decade and about 13% less than the average of 2018-2023 (120,400 tons).

Heavy rainfall and late frosts have reduced this year's early-starting harvest, the authority explained. Additionally, many farms reduced their production areas due to rising costs in inflation and cautious consumers - similar to the case with strawberries.

Despite the low-lying areas providing some protection, the strawberry harvest this year is predicted to be among the worst in decades, following the decreased cultivated areas and heavy rainfall. Asyncparagus producers are also facing challenges, as the forecasted yield is set to reach its lowest level since 2013, primarily due to late frosts and reduced production areas due to rising costs. Also, the overall asparagus harvest for the years 2018-2023 has been significantly affected by similar factors, indicating a trend of decreasing harvests.

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