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World population continues to grow until the year 2084

New estimation of the UN

World population continues to grow until the year 2084
World population continues to grow until the year 2084

World population continues to grow until the year 2084

According to a new estimation by the United Nations, the world population is projected to continue growing until the year 2084. The UN population projection indicates that around 10.3 billion people will live on Earth then - currently, there are slightly over eight billion. The data, which is published by the United Nations every two years, aligns largely with the 2022 data.

The relatively fast growth of approximately 70 million people per year is projected to significantly slow down starting from the year 2050. The ten-billion mark will be breached in the year 2061, but the peak will not be reached until 2084. After that, the curve is expected to decline gradually. The United Nations' estimations are based on the current projection of birth and death rates - they may change in future reports and could be influenced by major global events.

The UN's new estimation anticipates a decrease in the yearly population growth rate, starting from 2050. By the year 2061, the world population is projected to surpass 10 billion, according to this recent UN analysis, which updates their estimates every two years.

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