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Worker's child, Author, converted Trump supporter

How J.D. Vance became a vice

From humble, destroyed circumstances, J.D. Vance strives upward.
From humble, destroyed circumstances, J.D. Vance strives upward.

Worker's child, Author, converted Trump supporter

Once J.D. Vance compared Trump to Hitler or wrote contemptuously: "What an Idiot". Now the Republican worker-class riser is being named as Trump's running mate in the race for the White House. Whether the acclaimed novelist truly kisses his adoptive father's behind, as he once claimed, remains to be seen.

J.D. Vance transformed from a sharp critic to a fervent supporter of Donald Trump: The former U.S. President has chosen the 39-year-old Senator from Ohio as his candidate for Vice President. The nomination seals the brilliant and unusual career of the man who suddenly became famous as the voice of neglected America.

Vance was a soldier, a bestselling author, and a financial investor before he became a Senator in the Congress in recent years, tirelessly defending Trump's issues such as economic protectionism and the fight against illegal immigration. However, in other matters like abortion, Vance is more conservative than Trump. Joe Biden's campaign team labeled Vance an "Extremist" who denies the result of the Presidential election of 2020 and advocates for "national abortion ban". Moreover, he wants to "raise taxes for middle-class families and simultaneously implement further tax cuts for the rich".

"I have a good memory. If you fought Trump and the candidates he supports today, don't ask me to vote for your bill or projects that matter to you next year", warned the Senator with the round face, flawless hair, and well-groomed beard at the beginning of this year. His critics mocked these words and saw a certain irony: Before he defended Trump with teeth and claws, Vance had not spared criticism of the Billionaire.

"I have to swallow my pride"

In the past, J.D. Vance was anything but a Trump fan. "My God, what an Idiot", he tweeted in 2016 about the future President. He even compared Trump to Adolf Hitler once. After his entry into politics, however, the father of three then became a fervent Trump supporter. Trump was also instrumental in Vance's entry into the U.S. Senate.

"Some, including J.D. Vance, have said some not-so-nice things about me in the past, but he has understood now", explained Trump in April 2022 when he officially endorsed Vance's Senate candidacy. "He is our best chance for a win in what could be a very tough race." During a campaign rally five months later, Trump joked about the candidate: "J.D. kisses my ass, he wants my endorsement so badly", said the ex-President, with Vance standing next to him on the stage. Later, Vance dismissed the insult as a joke.

Vance explained this turnaround with political pragmatism: He sees Trump as the leader of a movement that opposes the self-anointed elites for their social inclusivity and tolerance at the expense of the little man. "If these issues are really important to me, I have to swallow my pride and support Trump", he told Time magazine.

"Biden is responsible for the assassination attempt on Trump"

Vance's political conversion was not without controversy. During a campaign rally, he made a shocking statement about Joe Biden: "Biden is responsible for the assassination attempt on Trump". The comment sparked outrage and calls for an investigation. Vance later clarified that he did not mean a literal assassination attempt but was referring to the impeachment proceedings against Trump. However, his remarks fueled concerns about the tone of the campaign and the potential for further polarization.

After the attempted assassination on Trump last Saturday, Republican Vance directly pointed at Trump's Rival Joe Biden. "The central thesis of Biden's campaign is that President Donald Trump is an authoritarian fascist who must be stopped at all costs," Vance wrote on X and added: "This rhetoric directly led to the attempted assassination of President Trump."

Before coming to Washington, his life took an unusual turn: He grew up in simple circumstances, in what is called the Rust Belt in the northeastern USA, marked by the decline of industry. He joined the army and later studied law at one of the most prestigious universities in the country, before making a career in Silicon Valley.

Author of Hillbilly Elegy

Suddenly famous in 2016 was Vance with his autobiographical book "Hillbilly Elegy: A Memoir of a Family and a Culture in Crisis". In it, he described his upbringing in a family marked by poverty and drug problems in the white working class in the USA. The book was later turned into a film for the streaming service Netflix. The great success of the book was due in part to the fact that it provided an explanation for many on how the white working class in former industrial regions could become Trump supporters. However, the "Hillbilly Elegy" was not without controversy. Some critics accused Vance of a stereotypical portrayal of the impoverished population in the Appalachian region.

Later, he drew closer to the so-called Trumpists. With his book, he gained the attention of the eldest Trump son Donald Trump Jr., who became a close friend. Trump Jr. is said to have played an important role in Vance's nomination as Vice-President. For Trump, Vance was an attractive Vice Presidential candidate because the Senator is well-connected and has proven the ability to raise large sums of money for the Republicans.

Vance's political shift towards Donald Trump for the U.S. Presidency Election 2024 is noteworthy, as he was once a sharp critic of the former President, even comparing him to Hitler. However, his views changed, and he is now being named as Trump's running mate, showing the politically pragmatic approach Vance has taken.

Amidst his political transformation, Vance's statement about Biden being responsible for an "assassination attempt" on Trump sparked controversy and concerns about campaign tones, further fueling political polarization.

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