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Woman with baby on her back carries out suicide attack

Dead and injured in Nigeria

In Gwoza, which was already in the hands of Boko Haram terrorists around ten years ago, there were...
In Gwoza, which was already in the hands of Boko Haram terrorists around ten years ago, there were three suicide attacks in one day.

Woman with baby on her back carries out suicide attack

Multiple women have killed at least 18 people in suicide bombing attacks in northern Nigeria. The targets were: a wedding, a hospital and a Muslim funeral ceremony. The perpetrator of the act is under investigation.

According to the regional disaster management agency (SEMA), at least 18 people were killed and 48 were severely injured in three suicide bombing attacks in northeastern Nigeria. All three incidents occurred in the city of Gwoza.

As the SEMA general director, Barkindo Muhammad Saidu, announced, an explosion occurred during a wedding ceremony on a Saturday afternoon. A second explosion hit the city's hospital, where some of the wounded from the wedding ceremony were taken. The third attack took place at a Muslim funeral ceremony.

The Nigerian police reported that the attacks were carried out by female suicide bombers, one of whom was carrying a baby on her back. No group has yet claimed responsibility for the attacks. However, it is suspected that the jihadist group Boko Haram is behind them. The group has previously used women for suicide bombing attacks. Some of these female bombers are prisoners of the group, who carry out the attacks under drug influence and coercion.

The northeast of Nigeria has been plagued by terror attacks for a long time. Both the jihadist group Boko Haram and the Islamic State terror group are active in the region. The city of Gwoza was recaptured from Boko Haram in a joint operation by the Nigerian and Chadian militaries in 2015. Since then, the group has continued to launch attacks on the city. Despite repeated military operations, it has not been possible for the military to permanently secure the region.

The state of Borno, where Gwoza is located, is the epicenter of a fifteen-year-old Islamic insurgency in Nigeria. Thousands of people have been killed and millions have been displaced from their homes as a result.

  1. The suspicion surrounding the attacks in Gwoza points towards Boko Haram, a terrorist group known for using women in suicide bombings.
  2. The Nigerian politics and security have been heavily influenced by the persistent terrorist attacks by groups like Boko Haram, particularly in the northeastern region and Borno state.
  3. Despite the military efforts to secure the region from terrorist attacks, particularly by Boko Haram, the safety of women and civilians in places like Gwoza remains a significant challenge in Nigerian politics and society.

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