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Woman strangled and thrown into river - murder trial ends

Did a man rape, strangle, and throw his wife into the Panke River in Bernau? The judges in Frankfurt (Oder) will announce the verdict in the murder trial next week.

On Tuesday, a verdict is expected in a murder trial at the Frankfurt (Oder) District Court (Archive...
On Tuesday, a verdict is expected in a murder trial at the Frankfurt (Oder) District Court (Archive Image)

Judgment pronouncement is coming up - Woman strangled and thrown into river - murder trial ends

A female corpse was discovered in the Panke stream in Bernau in April 2020. A murder commission has the husband of the 32-year-old deceased under investigation, who had stayed in Thailand for several months. The suspect was apprehended by the authorities in the past September at Vienna Airport. A verdict is expected in the trial at the Landgericht Frankfurt (Oder) on Tuesday (16. July).

The Charge: The accused German man is alleged to have rendered his wife unconscious with a cable tie, then raped and thrown her into the Panke. He is said not to have accepted that his Wife had left him. The accused denies the crime.

In the ongoing trial since February, the court has evaluated approximately video recordings. They are said to show the accused with his wife on their way to the crime scene at the Panke near the Berlin-Usedom bike path. The analysis of WLAN router data also played a role in the proceedings.

The prosecution demands a life sentence for murder, while the defense aims for an acquittal.

The murder commission, initially focused on Bernau due to the discovery of the corpse in the Panke stream, has been investigating the case extensively. The husband of the deceased, a German national, had resided in Thailand for several months before his arrest at Vienna Airport in September. During the homicide trial at the Landgericht Frankfurt (Oder), the court has examined numerous pieces of evidence, including video recordings and WLAN router data, to build their case. Despite the prosecution's call for a life sentence due to the crime's heinous nature, the accused maintains his innocence, denying all allegations of rape and murder. The anticipation for the judgment pronouncement in Ms. Deceased's murder trial is growing.

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