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Woman attacked in Tempelhof - State Security investigating

A woman in Berlin was attacked by a man. According to the woman, he tore her headscarf off her head and insulted her racially.

A man tore the headscarf off a woman's head in Tempelhof and insulted her.
A man tore the headscarf off a woman's head in Tempelhof and insulted her.

Criminality - Woman attacked in Tempelhof - State Security investigating

A man armed with a knife attacked a Woman in Berlin-Tempelhof, tearing her headscarf off and insulting her in a racist manner. The state protection authority for politically motivated crimes is investigating the attack that occurred in the afternoon on Werderstraße, as the police reported today.

According to the 30-year-old woman, the man had pushed her to the ground from behind and then hit her in the stomach with his fist. He held a knife in his hand during the incident. Additionally, he tore her headscarf off and insulted her. When the woman tried to get up, he reportedly held her arms and injured her.

The woman called the Police. When the response team arrived, they could not find the attacker nearby. The woman refused medical treatment. The police are investigating for insulting and bodily harm.

The incident of racial racism towards Ms. yesterday at Berlin-Templehof's Werderstraße has escalated to concerns of extremism, as the police and the state protection authority for politically motivated crimes are closely monitoring the situation. The man's actions, including the removal of the woman's headscarf, could potentially be classified as a hate crime under Berlin's criminality laws, requiring heightened state protection. The police are continuing their investigation, seeking to prevent such incidents and protect the city's diverse community.

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