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Woidke: SPD does not need campaign help from the Federation

About two months before the Brandenburg state election, SPD Minister-President Woidke is optimistic. He also explains how he receives campaign support from SPD Chancellor Scholz.

Dietmar Woidke, Brandenburg's SPD Minister-President, appears confident before the election...
Dietmar Woidke, Brandenburg's SPD Minister-President, appears confident before the election (archival image)

Before state election - Woidke: SPD does not need campaign help from the Federation

Brandenburg's SPD Minister-President Dietmar Woidke is cautious about receiving campaign help from federal politics almost two months before the state election. "We have never needed saved face prominence to fly in here in Brandenburg, thank God," said the SPD's lead candidate in an interview with the German Press Agency in response to a question about whether he would like Chancellor Olaf Scholz to campaign with him.

"If we want to make it clear that this is about the state of Brandenburg, it is clear from the outset that we will focus on Brandenburg in the campaign, that it's about the Brandenburg SPD. It's ultimately about who will lead our country and who is the captain on the bridge in rough seas."

Criticism of the Traffic Light

Three weeks before the election in Brandenburg on September 22, a new state parliament will be elected. The traffic light parties fell to a record low of 30% in the most recent Forsa opinion poll for RTL/ntv's "Trendbarometer." The SPD came in at 14%. In the most recent Brandenburg opinion poll by Infratest dimap for the RBB, the SPD was even with the CDU at 19%, behind the AfD with 23%.

The SPD government leader criticizes the traffic light coalition in the federal government, made up of the SPD, Greens, and FDP - not for the first time. "We currently have a federal government that unfortunately has not been able to radiate security and stability - in a time when Germany is confronted with so many crises as never before," said Woidke. He sees this, in addition to the consequences of the Corona crisis and the Ukraine war, as one reason why the mood in the country is poor despite economically positive development.

Woidke before the election: Governing brings joy

The SPD's lead candidate gives himself an optimistic outlook before the Landtag election, even though his party is tied with the AfD in the most recent poll. "I am convinced that we will make it," said Woidke. "The polls are similar to five years ago. People react to the issues of federal politics only a few weeks before the state election." He is counting on himself as a person: "More than 50% of the people would vote for me again as Minister-President in a direct election, according to the latest polls."

Woidke takes stock: "Brandenburg has never developed as successfully as it has in the last few years," he said. "We have managed to add more industrial jobs every year, and I am proud of that, and that's why governing in this country brings joy."

Five years ago, the SPD, which has governed in Brandenburg for over 30 years, won the election surprisingly with several percentage points ahead of the AfD. In the polls, it had long been behind the AfD.

  1. Dietmar Woidke, the SPD's Minister-President in Brandenburg, is hesitant about accepting campaign assistance from federal politics, with two months remaining until the state election.
  2. Reacting to a query about Chancellor Olaf Scholz joining him in the campaign, Woidke, the SPD's chief candidate, expressed gratitude that Brandenburg hasn't required such assistance thus far.
  3. Woidke emphasized that the upcoming state election in Brandenburg, scheduled for September 22, is exclusively about the state of Brandenburg and its SPD party.
  4. The recent Forsa opinion poll recorded a record-low 30% support for the traffic light parties, including the SPD, which stood at 14%, while the CDU and AFD gained ground.
  5. Woidke, the SPD government leader, lambasted the federal traffic light coalition, consisting of the SPD, Greens, and FDP, for failing to convey a sense of security and stability in the face of numerous crises.
  6. In a poll conducted by Infratest dimap for RBB, the SPD was on par with the CDU at 19%, trailing behind the AFD with 23%.
  7. Despite the SPD's equal standing with the AfD in the latest poll, Woidke expressed confidence in his party's prospects and success in the forthcoming State election.
  8. Woidke pointed out that Brandenburg has experienced significant progress in the past few years, increasing its industrial jobs annually and making governing a source of joy for him.

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