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Woidke responds to Wagenknecht - is, however, open for talks

The SPD lagged behind the BSW in Brandenburg's European election. However, Governor Woidke remains optimistic for the state election and expresses himself about the Sahra Wagenknecht alliance.

Despite the surveys, Brandenburg's Minister-President Dietmar Woidke remains confident about the...
Despite the surveys, Brandenburg's Minister-President Dietmar Woidke remains confident about the election.

Coalitions - Woidke responds to Wagenknecht - is, however, open for talks

Brandenburgan Minister-President Dietmar Woidke (SPD) responds to Sahra Wagenknecht - keeps dialogue with her BSW alliance open after the state election in about two months. "In politics, there are two major lines: talk and action. When things go well, they fit together or both come first, but there are also times of talk or action," Woidke stated in an interview with the German Press Agency. "With action, I haven't noticed her (Wagenknecht) so far, but ultimately, politics is action."

The SPD's top candidate sees several deficiencies in Wagenknecht and the BSW: "I believe it's part of their strategy that they reveal many things to unite all wishes and expectations on themselves," Woidke said. And: "In Brandenburg, Sarah Wagenknecht does not run personally, so she cannot be elected here." On September 22, a new Brandenburg state parliament will be elected. The BSW offers a left-wing social policy and demands strict migration restrictions.

Woidke is open to talks with the BSW

The SPD's top candidate is open to talks with the BSW after the election. "If the BSW wants to prove that it can govern, then it can be that we speak with the BSW," Woidke said. "In the end, pragmatism is needed in government dealings. In the state of Brandenburg, the migration question or the future of Ukraine will not be decided." However, Woidke called for a stronger mediating role for Germany in a potential peace solution in the Ukraine conflict.

The SPD was tied with the CDU in the latest Infratest dimap survey from July, both with 19 percent, behind the AfD with 23 percent. The BSW of former Left Party politician Wagenknecht reached 16 percent. SPD and BSW have excluded cooperation with the AfD. In the European election, the SPD came in third place in Brandenburg with 13.1 percent, just behind the BSW, which scored 13.8 percent. European and state elections are not comparable.

  1. Dietmar Woidke, the Minister-President of Brandenburg, has maintained a dialogue with Sahra Wagenknecht and her Alliance Sahra Wagenknecht (BSW) following the upcoming state election in Brandenburg.
  2. Woidke, a member of the SPD, mentioned in an interview with the German Press Agency that politics often involves both talk and action, and while he hasn't seen action from Wagenknecht yet, he is open to discussing government matters with her party.
  3. In response to Wagenknecht's strategy of uniting various ideals within her party, Woidke pointed out that in Brandenburg, she cannot be directly elected into the State parliament on September 22.
  4. Despite identifying several flaws in Wagenknecht's and the BSW's approach, Woidke signaled openness to engaging with the BSW post-election, stating that if they aim to govern, conversation is a viable option for the SPD.
  5. Woidke emphasized that government dealings in the state of Brandenburg require pragmatism, suggesting that issues such as migration and the future of Ukraine will not be determined solely by one party's stance.
  6. The SPD and the BSW, led by Sahra Wagenknecht, have both gained significant traction in recent elections in Brandenburg, with the SPD and BSW each receiving 19% and 16%, respectively, in the latest polls, surpassed only by the AfD with 23%.

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