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Woidke, Kretschmer, and Voigt issues a collective plea for Ukraine

Dietmar Woidke and Michael Kretschmer rely on the support of the BSW to maintain their...
Dietmar Woidke and Michael Kretschmer rely on the support of the BSW to maintain their administration.

Woidke, Kretschmer, and Voigt issues a collective plea for Ukraine

After the elections in Saxony, Thuringia, and Brandenburg, both the CDU and SPD require the assistance of the BSW to form a government. However, the Left Party's alliance has set conditions for foreign policy. As a result, the three states are collectively advocating for a diplomatic initiative.

The leaders of the CDU in Thuringia and the ministers-presidents of Saxony and Brandenburg have urged Germany to boost its diplomatic efforts to put an end to Russia's conflict against Ukraine. "We want Germany to play a more active role in diplomacy, working closely with its European neighbors and partners," they wrote in a joint op-ed for the "Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung."

All three are reliant on the backing of the Left Party (BSW) to form a coalition following the elections in their respective states. In exchange, the BSW demands a stance against the proposed deployment of more far-reaching US missiles in Germany and support for a ceasefire between Russia and the invaded Ukraine - a ceasefire which Ukraine rejects on Russian terms.

"Still too hesitant in pursuing this path"

"To push Russia to the negotiating table, a powerful and united alliance is required. Germany and the EU have been overly reluctant in pursuing this path," the three state politicians noted. The broader the international alliance, the greater the pressure. "The aim is to achieve a ceasefire and provide Ukraine with reliable security guarantees." They failed to provide additional details on the terms.

They also mentioned the role of their eastern neighbors. "As Germans, we would benefit from listening to our eastern partners like Poland and the Baltic states in these fundamental matters of security and peace," they wrote, without elaborating any further. However, Poland and the Baltics adopt a significantly tougher stance towards Russia, feeling directly militarily threatened due to past experiences.

Germany should also focus on its defensive armament, the ministers-president and the CDU state leader argued. "This can only be achieved from a position of strength, as in the time of the Cold War. The plans for the deployment of medium-range missiles in the western federal states should have been more broadly discussed," they stated. Military strength is only effective when combined with strategic diplomacy.

Only a rules-based international order ensures freedom. "It is our responsibility, as state politicians, to protect and promote this freedom and this order. No state political cooperation will change that."

The Commission from the Left Party (BSW) has stipulated conditions for foreign policy, specifically against the deployment of more US missiles and in favor of a ceasefire between Russia and Ukraine. The Commission, along with the CDU and SPD, is advocating for a diplomatic initiative to put an end to Russia's conflict against Ukraine.

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