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Woidke: Integration of refugees takes priority

The 'Job-Turbo' is intended to quickly place refugees in work. Brandenburg's government head sees progress.

Minister-president Dietmar Woidke: 'Who comes to us should ideally start working as soon as...
Minister-president Dietmar Woidke: 'Who comes to us should ideally start working as soon as possible.'

Labor market - Woidke: Integration of refugees takes priority

The integration of refugees into the Labor Market is improving from the perspective of Brandenburg's Minister-President Dietmar Woidke (SPD). Job centers have intensified their efforts to place asylum seekers in companies.

"Who comes to us should be able to come to work as soon as possible. That's the best way to integrate and create acceptance," Woidke said during a visit to the Logistics Center of Hermes Germany GmbH in Ketzin in Havelland. The company employs approximately 75 women and men from 19 nations, according to its own statements.

Approximately 9700 people from the eight most common countries of origin for asylum seekers were in socially insured employment in Brandenburg at the end of 2023 - that was 1300 more than a year earlier, according to the Regional Directorate of the Federal Employment Agency. Among Ukrainian women and men, there were reportedly 4800 in employment, 1000 more than in December 2022.

Regional Directorate: Utilize all employment potentials

"Given the demographic development in the state of Brandenburg, it is important to utilize all employment potentials to close the looming labor gap, which will certainly confront us with absolute certainty in the coming years," said the chairwoman of the management of the Regional Directorate Berlin-Brandenburg, Ramona Schröder.

The Land Brandenburg and the Regional Directorate agreed on measures in November 2023 to facilitate the faster integration of women and men from migration backgrounds into the labor market. This includes more intensive care in job centers.

Federal Labor Minister Hubertus Heil (SPD) had launched a program in the fall to help refugees find jobs more quickly - the so-called Job-Turbo. Heil referred to figures from the Employment Agency, according to which 192,000 Ukrainian women and men were in socially insured employment nationwide in April. 48,000 were reportedly in part-time employment. Heil also sees bottlenecks such as professional recognition, which he considers too bureaucratic. In addition, he is campaigning for vocational training courses that can be taken alongside work to address language barriers.

  1. Dietmar Woidke, the Minister-President of Brandenburg and a member of the SPD, commended the improvement in the integration of refugees into the labor market.
  2. During a visit to the Logistics Center of Hermes Germany GmbH in Havelland, Woidke emphasized the importance of integrating refugees into the workforce as soon as possible.
  3. Hermes Germany GmbH, located in Ketzin, has employed around 75 women and men from 19 nations, demonstrating the company's commitment to refugee integration.
  4. At the end of 2023, approximately 9700 refugees from the eight most common countries of origin were in socially insured employment in Brandenburg, representing a growth of 1300 people compared to the previous year.
  5. Among Ukrainian women and men, there were 4800 in employment in Brandenburg, indicating a significant increase of 1000 individuals from December 2022.
  6. Hubertus Heil, the Federal Labor Minister and an SPD member, launched a program in the fall called "Job-Turbo" to help refugees find jobs more quickly, aiming to reduce integration barriers.
  7. Heil identified challenges in the refugee integration process, such as professional recognition, which he considers too bureaucratic, and advocated for vocational training courses to address language barriers and facilitate integration into the labor market.

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