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Witness Stops Kidnapping in Bavaria

Victim is severely injured

The police are investigating charges of kidnapping and attempted homicide against the 49-year-old...
The police are investigating charges of kidnapping and attempted homicide against the 49-year-old individual.

Witness Stops Kidnapping in Bavaria

Near Schweinfurt, a 49-year-old man assaults a woman and kidnaps her by putting her in the trunk of his car. A man witnesses the act and alerts the police. Thanks to his intervention, the victim is rescued within minutes.

Also thanks to a quick-thinking witness, a suspected kidnapping in the Schweinfurt region was reportedly ended within minutes by police. A 49-year-old man is said to have assaulted a woman two years his senior and put her in the trunk of his car in Bergrheinfeld, as police reported. He then drove off with the car.

A witness informed the police and followed the car, continuously providing his location to the officers. A large-scale police operation, along with the witness's information, led to the swift rescue of the woman and the temporary arrest of the man - about six kilometers from the scene in Schweinfurt.

According to police, only seven minutes passed between the initial report and the arrest. The witness "reacted superbly" and did everything right, praised a police spokesperson. The officers are now investigating for kidnapping and attempted homicide.

The woman was reportedly severely injured but not in life-threatening condition. The relationship between the attacker and the victim, as well as the motive behind the act, remains unclear.

The assault and kidnapping occurred in Bergrheinfeld, a district located in Bavaria. The swift rescue of the woman brought the suspected kidnapper to justice in Schweinfurt, another city in Bavaria.

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