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With who does Kamala Harris intend to move into the White House?

Lady, 59, seeks visa

Kamala Harris would like to run for the Democrats as a presidential candidate - but who could be...
Kamala Harris would like to run for the Democrats as a presidential candidate - but who could be her vice president?

With who does Kamala Harris intend to move into the White House?

*Joe Biden's departure as presidential candidate turns the entire US election campaign upside down. Donald Trump must adjust to a new opponent. And Kamala Harris, the potential Democratic nominee, is looking for a vice president who can help her secure a win. The decision on her candidacy will be made by 3936 delegates at the Democratic Party convention from August 19-22 in Chicago. But for that, she needs a vice president who complements her weaknesses the best. Many believe a white, moderate to conservative man could give Harris the best chances of a victory. However, women from the Democratic Party are also on the list of potential candidates. Who will she choose as her vice president or vice president?

Andy Beshear

Andy Beshear is the Governor of the state of Kentucky - a Republican-dominated state. Traditionally, votes in Kentucky go to the Republican candidate. When Beshear, a Democrat, was elected Governor in 2019, many in his own party saw his victory as a fluke. Harris and Beshear share the same calling, as Beshear was the Attorney General of the state from 2016 to 2019. Harris held the position in California from 2011 to 2017. The 46-year-old often speaks about his Christian faith. According to the "New York Times," Beshear as a vice presidential candidate could help Harris win over moderate white voters in suburban areas.

Kentucky's Governor, Andy Beshear, is at the top of the list of possible vice presidential candidates.

Mark Kelly

Mark Kelly is a Senator from the US state of Arizona. The 60-year-old gained notoriety in 2011 when his wife, Congresswoman Gabby Giffords, survived an assassination attempt. Kelly, a Navy veteran and former astronaut, advocated for stricter gun control and eventually won a Senate seat in 2020. The Democrats particularly value him for having helped Biden win the traditionally Republican-leaning state in 2020. Over his relatively moderate tones, Kelly has built an image as a Moderate.

Mark Kelly is a US Senator from Arizona. He is highly respected among Democrats.

J.B. Pritzker

J.B. Pritzker has been the Governor of Illinois - a state firmly in the hands of the Democrats - since 2019. Pritzker is a billionaire and could use his own money in the campaign. Pritzker's family owns the Hyatt Hotels hotel chain. He himself is a lawyer and invests in tech startups. In the past, Pritzker's attacks on Trump drew attention from other Democrats. "Do they really want a president who is a criminal and faces a prison sentence?" Pritzker asked in June. In the event of his vice presidential candidacy, he would be the second Jewish candidate in history. After Biden's withdrawal, he quickly aligned himself behind Harris and pledged his support.

Kamala Harris and J.B. Pritzker at the Primary Elections in Chicago. Could the two form the

Josh Shapiro

Josh Shapiro was elected Governor of the US state of Pennsylvania in 2022. Previously, he was the Attorney General of the state. Pennsylvania is an important Swing State, whose votes in past presidential elections have been particularly decisive. After the Hamas attack on Israel and the subsequent anti-Israel protests on US campuses, Shapiro - who is also Jewish - criticized the rise of antisemitism. Shapiro was praised for his crisis management after the collapse of a bridge on Interstate 95 last year. The 51-year-old is relatively moderate and very popular.

Josh Shapiro is Governor of Pennsylvania, a potential swing state in the election.

Roy Cooper

Roy Cooper was elected Governor of the US state of North Carolina in 2016. Previously, he was the Attorney General of the state. North Carolina is an important Swing State, whose votes in past presidential elections have been particularly decisive. After the Hamas attack on Israel and the subsequent anti-Israel protests on US campuses, Cooper - who is also Jewish - criticized the rise of antisemitism. Cooper was praised for his crisis management after Hurricane Florence in 2018. The 59-year-old is relatively moderate and popular.

North Carolina's Governor, Roy Cooper, is privately friends with Harris as well.

Since 2017, Roy Cooper, the 67-year-old governor of North Carolina, has held the position. Barack Obama was the last democratic presidential candidate to win North Carolina in 2008. Cooper and Harris have worked together in the past when both were attorneys general – Cooper in North Carolina and Harris in California. They have been friends since then.

Tim Walz

Minnesota Governor Tim Walz responded to questions about speculation regarding his veep nomination towards the end of July.

A new name on the list is Tim Walz. The 60-year-old is the governor of Minnesota since 2019. Walz is a former congressman and retired educator. As governor, he sent the National Guard to Minneapolis to help end the unrest following George Floyd's death at the hands of the police. He is a member of the Democratic Farmers and Labor Party of Minnesota. As a vice president, he could secure votes from rural voters for Harris.

Gretchen Whitmer

With Gretchen Whitmer, the Governor of Michigan, Harris could make a woman as his vice presidential candidate.

Gretchen Whitmer is the governor of the swing state of Michigan. The 52-year-old jurist has a long career in politics. During the presidential election of 2020, she was a contender for Biden's vice presidential nomination. Due to her relatively strict coronavirus politics, she has become an enemy figure for many Republicans. The women's duo has the best chances, according to Julian Zelizer, a CNN political analyst and Princeton professor, to lead the party through this crisis after Biden's retirement. The two women work closely together in the fight for women's reproductive rights. Whitmer is an emerging figure in the democratic party. Moreover, Zelizer sees the potential in a campaign by the two Democrats to excite voters and achieve a historic result.

Pete Buttigieg

Pete Buttigieg, current US Transportation Secretary, could be the first openly gay Democratic Vice Presidential candidate.

Pete Buttigieg is the former mayor of South Bend in the state of Indiana. He caused a stir in 2020 as a democratic presidential candidate. He managed to build a strong following among voters during the primary campaign and won the Iowa caucus. He was also the first openly gay candidate for his party. The 42-year-old is the Transportation Secretary in Biden's cabinet. If Harris were to choose Buttigieg, he would be the first openly gay person ever nominated for the office of vice president.

However, there are more names on Harris' list: The governor of Maryland Wes Moore, the Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo, the conservative senator from West Virginia Joe Manchin, and the governor of the liberal US state of California could help Harris defeat Trump.

In the upcoming United States Presidency Election 2024, Kamala Harris is seeking a vice president who can complement her strengths and weaknesses effectively. Andy Beshear, the Governor of Kentucky, could potentially helpwin over moderate white voters in suburban areas due to his Christian faith and ability to appeal to Democrats in Republican-dominated states.

Mark Kelly, the Senator from Arizona, is also being considered by Harris. As a Navy veteran, astronaut, and moderate advocate for gun control, Kelly has proven his ability to win in traditionally Republican-leaning states, such as Arizona, which he helped Biden win in 2020.

Given her focus on securing votes in Swing States, Harris might also considerially Tim Walz, the Governor of Minnesota. Walz's standing as a former congressman and retired educator, as well as his success in managing crisis situations, could help Harris appeal to rural voters in the Midwest.

In the past, Kamala Harris and Roy Cooper, the 67-year-old Governor of North Carolina, have worked together as attorneys general. Given North Carolina's importance as a Swing State, and Cooper's ability to attract Democratic voters in a traditionally Republican state, Cooper could be a strong contender for the vice presidential nomination.

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