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With what words George Clooney advised Joe Biden to retreat

Yes, George Clooney finds it disturbing, as he expresses in the New York Times, about Joe Biden urging him to withdraw his candidacy with forceful words.

George Clooney admitted in The New York Times that he likes Joe Biden. They have known each other...
George Clooney admitted in The New York Times that he likes Joe Biden. They have known each other for a long time, here they are seen conversing in 2009 at the White House. Biden was the Vice President at the time.

Contribution in the 'New York Times' - With what words George Clooney advised Joe Biden to retreat

It's not surprising that the discussion about Joe Biden's age has come up. In fact, it's been there the whole time – the elephant in the room that everyone sees but nobody mentions. But that's it, ever since the US President botched the TV debate against Donald Trump. His performance put the entire country face to face with the elderly nature of their head of state, even his supporters are ringing the alarm bells.

George Clooney pokes wounds

George Clooney, for instance. A long-time Democrat, fundraiser, and friend of the President. For the "New York Times," the Hollywood star wrote a guest piece, in which he pokes at the wounds that both the Party and the White House have neglected for nearly four years.

"As Democrats, we collectively hold our breath or turn down the volume when we see the President, whom we respect, leaving Air Force One or returning to a microphone to answer a question," so Clooney. His concern over the state of the head of state permeates every line.

"... what 51 million people have seen"

The actor calls himself a "lifelong Democrat," confesses his "love" for Joe Biden, praising him over the green grass of Delaware. But he doesn't hide the fact that the glory days of the man from South Philadelphia are long gone: "But the one battle he can't win is against time. It's disheartening to say, but the Joe Biden I was with at the benefit three weeks ago was not the Joe Biden of 2010, who was a big deal. He wasn't even the Joe Biden of 2020."

Certainly not. Anyone who looks at the images of the first TV debate in 2020 will see a candidate Biden, who may lack the agility of Donald Trump, but who is still clear and present. Different from today. Clooney writes about this: "Was he tired? Yes. Was he sick? Maybe. But our party leaders must stop telling us that 51 million people haven't seen what we've just seen."

President and candidate Joe Biden weakened

The tragic part about Biden's performance was not only that he failed and how, but also that it cost him the trust of his own people. Not everyone is behind him without reservation anymore. Alone that weakens him – as President and as a candidate.

Clooney therefore asks rightly: "Is it fair to point this out? It must be. It's about age. About nothing else – about nothing that can be reversed. With this President, we won't win in November. That's not just my opinion, that's the opinion of all Senators, Congress members, and governors I've spoken to in private."

"A short campaign would be an advantage"

Meanwhile, several representatives and a senator are calling on Joe Biden to withdraw his candidacy. Whether more Democrats will join them is unclear. Equally uncertain is whether Joe Biden will even listen. But if it happens, the party will face a short-term campaign, which many fear. Not so Clooney: "Democracy is chaotic. But a short campaign period before the election would be an advantage for us, not a danger."

George Clooney, a long-time Democrat and friend of President Joe Biden, criticized his performance in a guest piece for the "New York Times," noting that it highlighted the elderly nature of the president. Clooney questioned whether it's fair to point out Biden's age, but argued that it's an issue that cannot be reversed and could negatively impact their chances in November. Donald Trump, the former U.S. President, was mentioned as having an advantage in agility compared to Biden during the first TV debate in 2020. George Clooney suggested that a short campaign period before the election would be an advantage for the Democrats.

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