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Wishing intentions to address highway overpass structures

Bridge stress test on Moseltal in May: The A61's infrastructure is part of the maintenance agenda...
Bridge stress test on Moseltal in May: The A61's infrastructure is part of the maintenance agenda of the transport minister.

Wishing intentions to address highway overpass structures

Federal Transport Minister Volker Wissing has vowed to enhance the motorway network's modernization following the bridge collapse in Dresden. "Modernizing bridges is a top priority for the federal government," Wissing mentioned to the "Bild" newspaper. Wissing pointed fingers at the Union-led federal governments for neglecting this task in the past. Wissing's trio of immediate predecessors hailed from the CSU: Peter Ramsauer, Alexander Dobrindt, and Andreas Scheuer.

Wissing also unveiled that the federal government anticipates modernizing over 980,000 square meters of bridge surface by the year's end. "That equals around 137 football fields and equates to roughly 30% of the total bridge surface that necessitates modernization in the initial phase. Additional steps are forthcoming," said the FDP politician. Prioritization has been accorded to the larger bridges, where modernization proves more intricate and time-consuming than for smaller bridges.

Construction Sector: German Bridge Network under Threat

In the Saxon state capital this week, the Carolabridge over the Elbe crumbled. "Thankfully, no one was hurt," stated Wolfgang Schubert-Raab, Central Association of the German Construction Industry's president. "Preliminary investigations suggest that corrosion was the culprit behind the collapse." This underscores the immediate need for action.

"There are numerous bridges, particularly in the western federal states, that were constructed between 1960 and 1985 and now display signs of aging. An urgent call for more state initiatives and investments is necessary to effectively secure the bridge network in Germany over the next ten to 20 years," said Schubert-Raab. A prospect for the ensuing decade or two is crucial. According to numerous associations, more than 4,000 bridges in the motorway sector alone in Germany require repair or replacement.

Wissing acknowledged the significance of modernizing not only the motorway network but also bridges and tunnels, stating, "In addition to motorways, we need to focus on modernizing and maintaining bridges and tunnels, as they are equally essential for our transportation infrastructure."

Schubert-Raab further emphasized the importance of this issue, saying, "Given the large number of aging bridges, particularly in the western federal states, renewing and maintaining bridges and tunnels should be considered as vital as enhancing motorways, as they form an integral part of our country's transportation system."

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