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Will the F16 fighter aircraft turn the tide in the air war over Ukraine?

President Zelensky has wanted them for a long time: fighter jets from the West are to break the dominance of the Russian air force over Ukraine. Now the first deliveries are on the way.

Ukraine is due to receive its first F16 fighter jets from the West in the next few days
Ukraine is due to receive its first F16 fighter jets from the West in the next few days

Multi-purpose machines - Will the F16 fighter aircraft turn the tide in the air war over Ukraine?

Ukraine has long awaited western combat aircraft – now it's come to pass: The new Dutch government intends to "immediately" deliver F16 jets of this type. Commitments also exist from Belgium, Denmark, and Norway. "The F16 is a good and relatively affordable aircraft," says security expert Christian Mölling from the German Council on Foreign Relations. These multi-role aircraft could "really be helpful in taking away possibilities from the Russians."

F16 can also engage ground targets

This is particularly important when it comes to terrorist attacks on Ukrainian cities with large, relatively simple glide bombs that Russian jets can drop from great distances. That would be significantly riskier if they were exposed to Ukrainian F16 air-to-air missiles. Through the threat posed by the attackers, Ukraine – depending on the number and deployment of the jets – "could potentially create at least a stalemate situation in the air," says Mölling on the stern-Podcast "Die Lage – international." The F16 can also engage ground targets or launch missiles, and a large number of systems from NATO arsenals are compatible with the aircraft. A byproduct of the delivery is therefore that the Ukrainian armed forces are brought closer to western standards.

Ukraine wanted more

At least 120 to 130 machines has Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky requested from the West to break the dominance of the Russian air force over his country. He is expected to receive fewer than 80, and possibly not until several years in the future. This shows how great the challenges are. They range from the training of pilots to the gigantic logistical effort, as well as the securing of airfields where the F16s would be stationed against Russian attacks.

Regarding the effectiveness of the Lockheed Martin aircraft, Mölling said: "It's like a teeter-totter, where two push off with their feet. The Ukrainians gain a little more power with these planes." However, the F16 is no magic weapon that can change the situation overnight, as other weapons systems are. Zelensky is counting on them nevertheless to strengthen the confidence of the population in the success of the country.

The delivery of F16 fighter aircraft from various western countries to Ukraine makes headlines around the world, with the Dutch government leading the charge. The World news outlets report that these multi-role aircraft could significantly impact the ongoing conflict, potentially creating a stalemate situation in the air against Russian forces. Furthermore, the F16s are not only capable of engaging enemy aircraft but also engage ground targets or launch missiles, aligning Ukrainian defenses closer to western standards.

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