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Wilhelma employees find knife after attack in Stuttgart

After the attack on two people waiting at Stuttgart Central Station, emergency services search for the murder weapon. A knife is discovered. But not by the police.

A man is said to have injured two travelers with a knife at Stuttgart main station. (symbolic...
A man is said to have injured two travelers with a knife at Stuttgart main station. (symbolic image)

Incident at the main station - Wilhelma employees find knife after attack in Stuttgart

After the alleged stabbing attack in the waiting room of Stuttgart Hauptbahnhof, a knife was found. Employees of Wilhelma Zoological Garden reportedly handed it over to the police, according to a police spokesperson. The zoo employees discovered it during flower tending in the Schlossgarten.

The police themselves searched the escape route of the alleged perpetrator from the Hauptbahnhof to the place of his arrest several hundred meters away from the weapon after the crime. Now it needs to be checked if the found knife is the murder weapon, the spokesperson said. He did not mention what type of knife it was.

Motive unclear

The motive for the attack from Monday night is still unclear. The suspect did not comment on the accusations, according to a spokesperson for the prosecutor's office. The exact circumstances of the crime are also unknown. The spokesperson made no further comments for investigative tactical reasons.

The 26-year-old is accused of stabbing two travelers in the waiting room of Stuttgart Hauptbahnhof with a knife on Monday night and seriously injuring them. He was arrested shortly thereafter, and a warrant was issued for his arrest on charges of attempted murder.

The victims, a 69-year-old man and a 63-year-old woman, were taken to hospitals. The alleged perpetrator is reportedly said to have been with the two later victims and other train passengers in the waiting room of the Hauptbahnhof that night. The German allegedly attacked the man unexpectedly there. When the woman intervened, he is said to have also seriously injured her.

According to a police spokesperson, there was no fight between the victims and the suspect before the stabbing. The victims knew each other, but the suspect and victims did not.

  1. The police are currently investigating if the knife found at Stuttgart main station is the crime weapon in the knife attack that led to the arrest of a 26-year-old man in Baden-Württemberg, Germany.
  2. The warrant for the arrest of the suspect, issued by the German public prosecutor's office, accuses him of attempting to murder two travelers at Stuttgart Hauptbahnhof with a knife.
  3. The police are looking into the escape route of the suspect from Stuttgart Hauptbahnhof to the location of his arrest, several hundred meters away, as part of their investigation into the knife attack.
  4. Employees of the Wilhelma Zoological Garden in Stuttgart handed over a knife they found during flower tending in the Schlossgarten to the police, leading to the discovery of the crime weapon.
  5. The perpetrator of the knife attack at Stuttgart Hauptbahnhof was arrested nearby, moments after allegedly stabbing two travelers in the waiting room, injuring them seriously.

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