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When Trump moves into the White House, he wants to be dictator. But "only on the first day"

He wants to establish a dictatorship - Donald Trump has repeatedly made this accusation. Now he has denied the plans. But with an irritating statement.

US election campaign - When Trump moves into the White House, he wants to be dictator. But "only on the first day"

Time and again, Donald Trump draws attention to himself with statements that sound more like an autocrat than a presidential candidate. At a town hall meeting, Trump was asked about this very specifically by his friend Sean Hannity, a Fox News presenter - and gave a disturbing answer.

"Do you promise America tonight that under no circumstances will you abuse your power, break the law?" asked Hannity very clearly. "Only on the first day," Trump unexpectedly replied. Then he plans to use the US president's special privileges of power to close the Mexican border and drill for oil.

Trump on dictatorship: "Only on the first day"

Trump fully understood that the specific question was whether he would abuse his power as a kind of dictator following various threats. Hannity had openly asked him about the accusation that he wanted to introduce a dictatorship in the event of re-election. "I love this guy," he said of Hannity. "He asks me, 'You're not going to be a dictator, are you?" he explained his statement. "I answer: No, no, no. Just the first day. We close the border, drill, drill, drill. After that, I'm no longer a dictator."

There are several reasons for the concern about a possible abuse of power in the event of a second term in office. In recent weeks, Trump has repeatedly referred to his opponents as "vermin", reminiscent of speeches from the Nazi regime, as his rival President Joe Biden has already noted. In addition, plans to expand the power of the presidency and deliberately weaken US democracy had become known.

Accusations against Biden

Trump himself sees his announcements as a reaction to a supposed dictatorship by the current holder of the office. When asked whether he would also abuse the power of the office to take action against his opponents, he replied with a counter-question: "You mean the way they are currently using their power?" he asked in reference to the numerous court cases against the former president for electoral fraud and financial fraud.

The fact that even Hannity confronted him with the accusations is quite remarkable. In recent weeks, Trump has repeatedly tried to paint the prosecution of the law enforcement authorities as an attempt to suppress the current government. He claimed in speeches that Biden was destroying democracy as a dictator. And announced that, if re-elected, he would fight Biden and the legal system with all his might.

Source:Fox Townhall

Read also:

  1. Despite concerns about potential power abuse, President Joe Biden criticized Donald Trump's rhetoric, likening his accusations against opponents to Nazi-like language.
  2. In response to Hannity's question about not becoming a dictator, former President Trump claimed he would only act as one for the first day, referring to closing the Mexican border and increasing drilling for oil.


