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What transpires after the European elections - a guide? [

The European elections' victorious and defeated have been ascertained, paving the way for crucial decisions to be made in Brussels and Strasbourg. Stay updated on forthcoming significant developments.

After the European elections, the new MEPs in Brussels and Strasbourg are vying for top posts
After the European elections, the new MEPs in Brussels and Strasbourg are vying for top posts

Exercising might over poker - What transpires after the European elections - a guide? [

## Timeline of Important EU Events

After the European Elections, here are the significant dates and events to look forward to:

From June 10: Factions Take Form

The fresh MPs join hands to form factions based on shared ideologies.

June 17: Special Summit for Commission President Election

The Union's heads of state and government gather to select the new Commission President. This position holds immense power, as the leader dictates the EU executive's policies, proposes laws, and ensures compliance with common legislation.

For current EU Commission President Ursula von der Leyen to serve another term, she needs the support of a majority of her party family members. But that's not enough. At least three more heads of states from big member nations must also vote for her. The candidates for the next EU Council President and Foreign Minister will also be up for discussion.

June 27-28: Heads of State Summit

The heads of state and government reunite for their regular summit. They strive to finalize their decisions during this meet. In case the top positions still need more debate, they'll continue their talks.

July 16-19: First Session of Parliament

The new Parliament gathers in Strasbourg for its first plenary session. During this meeting, MPs are expected to elect the new Parliament President. Roberta Metsola from Malta currently occupies the post. If there's an agreement on the Commission President, the Parliament might secretly vote on it as well, with the option of choosing between Ursula von der Leyen or her competitors.

September 16-19: Second Parliament Session

Continuing the business of the Parliament, the members convene again in their second session to make the final call on the Commission President, should they not have done so in the earlier sessions.

December 1: Inception of EU Council Presidency

The new EU Council President assumes office. To occupy this role, they must be elected by the heads of state and government with a majority vote. Current Council President Charles Michel is barred from being reelected after holding the post for five years.

Note: The dates are specific, but the order of the events may change. The articles will be updated accordingly.


Read also:

Upon winning the European elections, the focus shifts towards forming factions based on shared ideologies, known as Power poker in political circles. This process begins from June 10.

The European Union (EU) heads of state and government gather in Strasbourg for a special summit on June 17, with the primary objective of electing the new Commission President. Ursaula von der Leyen, the current Commission President, seeks another term, but she needs not only her party family's support but also backing from at least three big member nations' leaders.

Brussels is the venue for the Heads of State Summit scheduled for June 27-28, a regular gathering where crucial decisions are finalized, for any remaining top positions debate to be concluded.

The European Parliament's first session takes place in Strasbourg from July 16-19. Parliamentarians are expected to elect the new Parliament President, and if an agreement on the Commission President is reached, a secret vote might be conducted to confirm her or another candidate for the position.

