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What really happens with an erectile dysfunction

A man's worst fear: broken penis. How it occurs, how it is treated, and why the term 'broken penis' is misleading.

The term Penisbreak is misleading.}
The term Penisbreak is misleading.}

Good to know - What really happens with an erectile dysfunction

For Men, a Nightmare – a Penis Fracture. The injury is colloquially referred to as a break, but it is not comparable to a bone fracture in the arm or leg. Since there is no bone in the Penis, it consists of soft tissues such as connective tissue, vessels, and ligaments. "If there is a tear or rupture of the erectile tissue sheath or if the strongly engorged erectile tissue is compressed, we speak of a Penis fracture," says Urologist Volker Wittkamp. On Instagram and Tiktok, he clarifies questions about the male genital organ and urology.

The more accurate term for this painful injury is rather Penis tear. In medicine, it is spoken of as an erectile tissue rupture. When it tears, there may be a popping sound, the penis may go limp, and there can be significant bleeding. "The blood does not drain outward but accumulates in the penis tissue. The aubergine emoji is often used to represent the penis in chats – when it fractures, it looks similar," explains the urologist. The penis turns blueish and swells when the erectile tissue sheath tears.

A Penis fracture only occurs in an erect state

The erectile tissue can only tear in the erect state of the penis. "It most commonly occurs during sexual intercourse – usually due to a slip during the in-and-out motion. The penis can then hit the pubic bone of the woman and become compressed. Theoretically, it can also occur during masturbation or when one hits oneself with an erect penis," says Volker Wittkamp.

There are different degrees of severity of a Penis fracture. However, the urologist advises all men who experience this injury to seek medical attention as soon as possible – ideally, a clinic with a urology department. "As a first aid measure for a Penis fracture, try to cool the penis. Aspirin should not be taken, as it thins the blood and would worsen the bleeding," explains Volker Wittkamp.

Preventing complications through prompt treatment

In the hospital, an ultrasound and/or MRI are used to determine the size of the tear. If the Penis fracture is only mild, it can be treated with bandaging and rest. If it is severe, surgery is necessary – the affected area is sewn up.

Prompt treatment is important to prevent complications: If a Penis fracture is not treated promptly or if it is severe, erectile dysfunction can occur in the future. It can also lead to a penis curvature – for example, through the suture or scarring following surgery, as Volker Wittkamp describes.

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Despite the severity, it's crucial for men to seek medical attention immediately after experiencing a Penis fracture. Delayed treatment may lead to long-term complications such as erectile dysfunction or an unwanted penis curvature, as explained by urologist Volker Wittkamp. Additionally, with swelling being a common symptom of a Penis fracture, it's important for men to avoid taking medications like aspirin that thin the blood, which could worsen the bleeding.

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