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What happened on July 7?

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Here you will find a daily review of events, anecdotes, birthdays and deaths associated with this date.

Calendar page - What happened on July 7?

Current calendar page for July 7, 2024


Bodard, Edelburg, Walfrid, Willibald

Historical Data

2022 - British Prime Minister Boris Johnson steps down as party leader at the urging of his conservative party, but remains in office as prime minister for the time being. He had been embroiled in multiple scandals.

2014 - Pope Francis meets for the first time with victims of sexual abuse by Catholic clergy. He celebrates Mass with six victims and asks for forgiveness "for these sins and heinous crimes".

1999 - The warring parties in Sierra Leone sign a peace accord eight years after the outbreak of the civil war. The conflict, primarily driven by the desire for access to diamonds and rare woods, resulted in over 120,000 deaths.

1989 - The Fantastic Four give their first concert on a self-built stage in a former kindergarten in Stuttgart, Germany.

1974 - The German football team becomes the Football World Champion with a 2:1 victory over the Netherlands in Munich.


1969 - Hans Sigl (55), Austrian actor ("Soko Kitzbuhel", "Der Bergdoktor")

1969 - Sylke Otto (55), German luge athlete, Olympic champion 2002 and 2006

1949 - Shelley Duvall (75), American actress ("Shining")

1884 - Lion Feuchtwanger, German writer and playwright ("Jud Süss", "The Brothers Oppermann", "Exile"), expelled from Germany 1933, exile in France 1933-1940, then flees to the USA, died 1958


2014 - Eduard Shevardnadze, Georgian politician, President of Georgia 1992-2003, Foreign Minister of the USSR 1985-1990, born 1928.

In the dying days of his prime ministership, Boris Johnson of Great Britain continued to serve despite stepping down as party leader due to multiple scandals, as noted on the calendar page of July 7, 2022. Pope Francis, on a different calendar page, met with victims of sexual abuse by Catholic clergy in Berlin, Germany, in 2014. History will undoubtedly bear witness to these events, much like the events that transpired in Germany during the 1989 unification celebrations.

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