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What happened on July 26th?

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For each day, you will find a recap of events, anecdotes, births or deaths associated with this date, at this place.

Calendar page - What happened on July 26th?

Current Calendar Page for July 26, 2024


Anna, Christiane, Gloria, Joachim

Historical Data

2023 - In the African country Niger, the elected President Mohamed Bazoum is seized by Militaries and declared deprived of power. The putschists suspend the constitution and dissolve all constitutional institutions.

2009 - Surprisingly, swimmer Paul Biedermann from Halle/Saale becomes World Champion over 400 meters Freestyle. He wins the final at the Swimming World Championships in Rome in the World Record time of 3:40.07 minutes.

1999 - As the first high-ranking Palestinian representative, Parliament President Ahmed Kurie (Abu Ala) visits the Israeli Parliament.

1994 - Due to high ozone levels, the first speed restrictions in the Federal Republic of Germany are imposed in Hessen because of the so-called Summer Smog.

1984 - For the second time in the history of the International Olympic Committee (IOC), a German, Berthold Beitz, is elected as Vice President in Los Angeles. He had held this position from 1972 to 1976.


1964 - Sandra Bullock (60), American actress ("Speed", "Gravity", Oscar as best leading actress in "The Blind Side - The Great Opportunity" 2010)

1959 - Kevin Spacey (65), American actor (TV-series "House of Cards", Oscar as best supporting actor in "The Usual Suspects", 1996, and as best leading actor in "American Beauty", 2000)

1954 - Mareike Carrière, German actress (TV-series "Großstadtrevier"), deceased 2014

1949 - Roger Taylor (75), British musician, co-founder, composer, and drummer of the band Queen ("We Are the Champions")


2023 - Martin Walser, German writer ("The Swan House", "A Running Horse"), Peace Prize of the German Booksellers 1998, born 1927

The military in Niger seized President Mohamed Bazoum in 2023, suspending the constitution and dissolving all constitutional institutions. This event happened on the same day that German swimmer Paul Biedermann became World Champion over 400 meters Freestyle in Rome's Swimming World Championships in 2009. The race was won in a World Record time of 3:40.07 minutes. Interestingly, Germany also experienced its first speed restrictions due to high ozone levels in 1994. In the realm of history, Berthold Beitz became the first German to be elected as Vice President of the International Olympic Committee (IOC) for the second time in 1984, following his previous term from 1972 to 1976. In the world of arts, German writer Martin Walser passed away in 2023, known for works like "The Swan House" and "A Running Horse", and receiving the Peace Prize of the German Booksellers in 1998.

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