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What happened on July 25th?

For each day, there are events, anecdotes, birth or death anniversaries, that are worth remembering.

For each day, you will find here a look back on events, anecdotes, birth or death dates, linked to...
For each day, you will find here a look back on events, anecdotes, birth or death dates, linked to this date.

Calendar page - What happened on July 25th?

Current Calendar Page for July 25, 2024

Name Day

Jacob, Thea

Historical Data

2019 - New Heat Record in Germany: Tönisvorst near Crefeld and Duisburg are record holders in terms of highest temperature. The German Weather Service (DWD) records a value of 41.2 degrees at both locations.

1999 - American Lance Armstrong wins Tour de France for the first time. The victory is revoked from Armstrong in 2012 due to doping.

1994 - With the "Washington Declaration", Israel and Jordan end their 46-year-old state of war. A peace treaty is signed in October.

1934 - Austrian Federal Chancellor Engelbert Dollfuß is murdered in Vienna during a National Socialist putsch attempt.

1139 - The Battle of Ourique is considered the birth of independent Portugal. After the victory over the Muslim Almoravides, Alfons of Portugal is said to have proclaimed himself the first King. Until then, Portugal belonged to the Kingdom of Castile.


1979 - Ariane Hingst (45), German football player, World Champion 2003 and 2007, European Champion 1997, 2001, 2005, 2009

1979 - Stefanie Hertel (45), German folk music singer ("Over every bachelor there goes a rooster")

1964 - Anne Applebaum (60), American-Polish historian, journalist and author, Peace Prize of the German Book Trade 2024

1954 - Jürgen Trittin (70), German politician (The Greens), Federal Minister for Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety 1998-2005


1969 - Otto Dix, German painter ("The Match Seller", "Prager Straße", "City"), born 1891

  1. The German Weather Service (DWD) in 2019 documented a new heat record in Germany, with Tönisvorst near Krefeld and Duisburg reaching a staggering 41.2 degrees, making them the record holders.
  2. During his illustrious career, American Lance Armstrong, who hails from Duisburg, won the Tour de France for the first time in 1999, a victory that was later stripped from him in 2012 due to doping allegations.
  3. On July 25, 2024, as you turn the pages of your calendar, you might be reminded of the Dying Days in German history, when Austrian Federal Chancellor Engelbert Dollfuß was murdered in Vienna during a National Socialist putsch attempt in 1934.
  4. On a joyful note, if you're a football enthusiast, you might celebrate the birthday of Ariane Hingst, a German football player who was born in Duisburg in 1979, and has an impressive track record with multiple World and European championship titles.
  5. Reflecting on Germany's rich history, you might want to read the work of Anne Applebaum, a Polish-American historian and journalist born in Berlin in 1964, who was awarded the Peace Prize of the German Book Trade in 2024.

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