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What happened on July 21st?

For each day, there are events, anecdotes, birth or death anniversaries, which are worth remembering.

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For each day, you will find a review of events, anecdotes, birth or death dates, linked to this date, at this place.

calendar page - What happened on July 21st?

Current Calendar Page for July 21, 2024


Florentius, Laurentius, Arbogast

Historical Data

2019 - At the Parliamentary elections in Ukraine, the party "Servant of the People" of President Volodymyr Zelenskyy wins an absolute majority of seats. The second strongest force is the pro-Russian Opposition Platform with 13%.

1994 - Russian Literature Nobel Prize laureate Alexander Solzhenitsyn returns to his hometown Moscow after 20 years in exile.

1969 - At 3:56 AM MEZ, astronaut Neil Armstrong of Apollo 11 becomes the first human to step on the moon. His words "A small step for a man, but a giant leap for mankind" become legendary.

1959 - In Camden (US state of New Jersey), the "NS Savannah" is launched, the first atomic-powered merchant ship in the world.

1954 - The Democratic Republic of Vietnam and France sign a ceasefire agreement in Geneva, Switzerland, ending the First Indochina War. Vietnam is divided along the 17th Parallel.


1974 - Florentine Lahme (50), German actress (TV series "Beloved Sisters")

1964 - Jens Weißflog (60), German ski jumper, four-time winner of the Four Hills Tournament, three-time Olympic champion

1964 - Saskia Valencia (60), German actress (TV series "Our Charly", "Good Times, Bad Times")

1899 - Ernest Hemingway (21), American writer ("The Old Man and the Sea"), Nobel Literature Prize 1954, died 1961


2023 - Tony Bennett (87), American singer ("Because of You", "The Art of Tony Bennett"), born 1926

In the realm of literature, Russian author Alexander Solzhenitsyn, a Nobel laureate, returned to his hometown Moscow after a long exile of 20 years, following the 1994 Parliament election's conclusion in Ukraine. Volodymyr Zelenskyy's party, "Servant of the People," emerged victorious in these elections, securing an absolute majority of seats.

Fast forward to the future, on this very same calendar page, July 21, 2024, we commemorate the birthdays of several influential individuals. Among them is Florentine Lahme, a German actress known for her role in "Beloved Sisters" TV series.

The intricate tapestry of history also spans beyond our borders to Berlin, Germany, where a significant event unfolded. In 1969, astronaut Neil Armstrong, on his Apollo 11 mission, made history by becoming the first human to step onto the moon, leaving his legendary words, "A small step for a man, but a giant leap for mankind."

The international stage holds several notable events, like the 1959 launch of the NS Savannah, the world's first atomic-powered merchant ship, in Camden, New Jersey. Similarly, in 1954, the Democratic Republic of Vietnam and France signed a ceasefire agreement in Geneva, Switzerland, marking the end of the First Indochina War, which resulted in a divided Vietnam along the 17th Parallel.

Now, let us look back to Moscow, Russia, during the "dying days" of 1969, a remarkable time when Ernest Hemingway, an American literary icon known for "The Old Man and the Sea," celebrated his 21st birthday. Hemingway, who won the Nobel Literature Prize in 1954, went on to live an illustrious life before his untimely demise in 1961.

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