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What happened on July 18th?

For each day, there are events, anecdotes, births or deaths, which are to be remembered.

For each day, you will find a recap of events, anecdotes, birth or death dates connected to this...
For each day, you will find a recap of events, anecdotes, birth or death dates connected to this day at this place.

calendar page - What happened on July 18th?

Current Calendar Page for July 18, 2024


Answer, Arnold, Arnulf, Friedrich, Odilia, Radegund

Historical Data

2014 - Captain Philipp Lahm surprises by announcing his retirement from the German Football National Team five days after winning the World Championship.

1994 - In an attack on a Jewish center in Buenos Aires, 85 people are killed and over 300 are injured.

1969 - After its founding in 1968, Bundeswirtschaftsminister Karl Schiller (SPD) and 24 mining companies sign the founding contract for the "Ruhrkohle-AG" (RAG) in Essen.

1949 - The "Freiwillige Selbstkontrolle der Filmwirtschaft" (FSK) begins its work with the film "Intimitäten" by Paul Martin in Halle/Saale.

1924 - The Communist Party of Germany (KPD) founds its own defense organization, the Red Front Fighters League (RFB), in Halle/Saale.


2004 - Emma Malewski (20), German rhythmic gymnast, European Champion 2022 (Rope)

1954 - Franziska Troegner (70), German actress ("Heidi M.", "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory")

1939 - Brian Auger (85), British jazz-rock organist, Trinity band with Julie Driscoll ("Save me", "Road to Cairo")

1864 - Ricarda Huch, German writer ("Herbstfeuer", "The Life of Saint Wonnebald Pück"), died 1947


1374 - Francesco Petrarca, Italian poet and humanist, born 1304

The 'Dying days' of July 2024, as depicted on the 'Calendar page', are significant due to the anniversary of Philipp Lahm's shocking retirement announcement from the German Football National Team, which happened five days after they won the World Championship in 2014. The city of Buenos Aires experienced a tragic event on its 'Calendar page' in 1994, with an attack on a Jewish center that resulted in 85 deaths and over 300 injuries. In football history, Germany's 'Football-Nationalteam' celebrated a significant victory, but their captain, Philipp Lahm, chose his 'Dying days' in the team just five days later. The city of Berlin, another significant location in German history, is home to notable events, but the 'Calendar page' for a specific day is not provided in the text.

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