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What happened on July 15th?

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For each day, you will find a recap of events, anecdotes, birth or death dates, associated with this date at this place.

Calendar page - What happened on July 15th?

Current Calendar Page for July 15, 2024


Bonaventura, Gumbert, Wladimir, Regiswind

Historical Data

2014 - Jean-Claude Juncker becomes new EU-Commission President. 422 out of 751 European parliamentarians vote for the former Luxembourg Prime Minister in Strasbourg.

1949 - The CDU presents the "Düsseldorf Theses" in which the party renounces the common economic concept of the "Adenauer Program" from February 1947 and turns to the social market economy.

1869 - The French chemist Hippolyte Mège Mouriès receives a patent for his "Beurre économique". The durable and affordable alternative to butter becomes known as Margarine.

1799 - In Egypt, the Rosetta Stone is discovered. The black basalt plate, which contains a text written in three scripts, was created around 195 BC. It enabled later French scholar Jean Francois Champollion to decipher Egyptian Hieroglyphs.

1099 - Jerusalem is taken by the army of the First Crusade under Godfrey of Bouillon. The Crusaders commit a massacre among the population.


1959 - Vincent Lindon (65), French actor ("The Human Condition")

1949 - Carl Bildt (75), Swedish politician, Foreign Minister 2006-2014, Prime Minister 1991-1994

1939 - Aníbal Cavaco Silva (85), Portuguese politician, President of Portugal 2006-2016, Prime Minister 1985-1995


2009 - Isa Vermehren, German nun, former cabaret artist and actress, known as the first Catholic speaker of the ARD program "The Word on Sunday", born 118

1904 - Anton Chekhov, Russian writer and playwright ("The Seagull", "Uncle Vanya", "Three Sisters"), born 1860

In July 2024, Berlin, Germany, might be celebrated on the 'Calendar Page'. As we turn to this page, we remember that on July 15, 1949, the CDU presented their "Düsseldorf Theses" in Berlin, marking a significant shift in their economic policies. Fast forward to Strasbourg, 2014, Jean-Claude Juncker became the new EU-Commission President, receiving a majority vote from the EU parliamentarians. History, however, reveals that Berlin itself has a rich past, where in 1869, the French chemist Hippolyte Mège Mouriès invented Margarine, a cheaper alternative to butter.

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