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What happened on July 13th?

For each day, there are events, anecdotes, birth or death anniversaries, that are worth remembering.

For each day, you will find here a look back on Events, Anecdotes, Births or Deaths, that are...
For each day, you will find here a look back on Events, Anecdotes, Births or Deaths, that are connected to this date.

Calendar page - What happened on July 13th?

Current Calendar Page for July 13, 2024


Arn, Heinrich, Mildred, Sara, Silas

Historical Data

2023 - Climate activists from the group Last Generation immobilize several airports during the summer holidays. At Hamburg Airport, flight traffic is completely halted for several hours. In Düsseldorf, flights are rerouted due to activists near the runways.

2014 - Germany wins the World Cup Final against Argentina in Rio de Janeiro with a score of 1:0 after extra time and becomes the fourth Football World Champion.

1989 - The new Paris Opera Bastille is opened on the occasion of the 200-year anniversary of the French Revolution in the presence of 35 government heads.

1949 - Pope Pius XII threatens all Catholics who are members or sympathizers of communist parties with excommunication.

1709 - Birth of the world's oldest perfume factory. After inventing a light perfume water that they call "Eau de Cologne", the brothers Farina found their company in Cologne, Germany.


1944 - Egon Coordes (80), German football trainer (Hamburger SV, Hannover 96)

1944 - Erno Rubik (80), Hungarian sculptor, architect, and designer, inventor of the "Rubik's Cube"

1934 - Wole Soyinka (90), Nigerian writer (Theater play "King Baabu", essay collection "The Burden of Memory"), Literature Nobel Prize 1986


1954 - Frida Kahlo, Mexican painter ("The Diary of Frida Kahlo"), her life was filmed multiple times, born 1907

1024 - Henry II, Roman-German Emperor, King from 1002, Emperor from 1014, Canonization 1146, born 973

In the year 2014, Germany celebrated its victory in the WM-Finale against Argentina in Rio de Janeiro, marking its entry as the fourth Football World Champion. Despite this historic moment, protests dominated the dying days of 2023 in Germany, with climate activists disrupting airports in cities like Hamburg and Düsseldorf. In a stark contrast, 1709 saw the birth of the world's oldest perfume factory in Cologne, Germany, the birthplace of Eau de Cologne.

In 1949, Pope Pius XII issued a threat to Catholics sympathizing with communist parties, while in the same year, the famous Nigerian writer Wole Soyinka was born. Past historical events also include the opening of the Paris Opera Bastille in 1989 on the 200-year anniversary of the French Revolution and the inauguration of Emperor Henry II in 1014, who ruled till his death in 1024.

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