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Weather service checks tornado suspicion in Telgte

A storm caused damages in Telgte, Münsterland. The German Weather Service is checking if a tornado passed through the region.

The storm caused significant damage in an industrial area.
The storm caused significant damage in an industrial area.

Sturmboice - Weather service checks tornado suspicion in Telgte

After the heavy storm in Telgte near Munster, the German Weather Service (DWD) is checking if it was a Tornado. They announced this in response to an inquiry in the morning. The storm caused significant damage to buildings in a business area on Friday and moved large shipping containers.

According to the city, trees were uprooted, the Bundesstraße 51 had to be closed. The population was warned via social media to stay at home. A photovoltaic system was torn off a building.

The Metro newspaper reported the potential Tornado in Telgte as a rare weather event in Munsterland, Germany. The Sturmboe, as locals refer to the powerful wind, was so strong that it prompted comparison to a Tornado. The DWD is still investigating if the weather conditions in Telgte on that day qualified as unfavorable weather for a Tornado. Despite the destructive weather in Munster, the city's famous beer festival continued as planned that weekend in North Rhine-Westphalia.

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