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Weather forecast: July too wet again

Summer weather with heavy rain and heat: Today, the weather service is providing an assessment for July. This month, too, is likely to have been too warm and too wet.

There were storms in July (archive picture).
There were storms in July (archive picture).

- Weather forecast: July too wet again

Heavy Rain, Storms, Flooding: The meteorological summer has so far made headlines for more than just positive reasons. Around midday, the German Weather Service (DWD) in Offenbach will publish its July weather report, which is expected to be significantly wetter than usual.

"Currently, it appears that July has been warmer and wetter than the long-term average," said Andreas Walter, spokesperson for the DWD, to the German Press Agency. However, he noted that the month was still relatively sunny.

Heat and Rain

The southeastern region received the most heat, while the west got the most rainfall. Temperatures reached around 35 degrees Celsius on various days, explained Walter. The weather service recorded up to 70 millimeters of rain in 24 hours per square meter. Exact numbers will be released with the weather report.

Not only July, but the entire meteorological summer was marred by heavy rainfall: At the beginning of June, persistent rain caused water levels in rivers to rise in many places. Especially large parts of Baden-Württemberg and Bavaria had to deal with severe flooding.

Storms across the country

Storms with heavy rain, thunderstorms, and hail caused warnings from the DWD for large parts of Germany almost weekly. During the UEFA European Football Championship in Germany from June 11 to July 11, some storms led to game delays or evacuations of fan zones at the venues.

"We've had heavy rain and thunderstorms across the country, which have brought quite heavy rainfall, sometimes with hail," said the spokesperson.

Currently, there is "an unusually high amount of potential rain material in the atmosphere," but not necessarily for storms. According to the DWD's forecasting center, it's not unusual to have so many storms, "but there are indeed more than we might have had last year."

The German Press Agency reported the weather service's statement about the unusual amount of rain in July, with Andreas Walter explaining that the southeast has been the hottest region while the west has received the most rainfall.

The German Press Agency also shared news about the persistent rain in June, causing flooding in large parts of Baden-Württemberg and Bavaria.

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