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"We have seen the end of a presidency"

Devastating media response

Joe Biden's appearance was "sad".
Joe Biden's appearance was "sad".

"We have seen the end of a presidency"

*Current US President Biden and former President Trump faced off in the first TV debate during the campaign. The appearance of the old men raises international concerns.

New York Post:"Millions of people just witnessed the end of a presidency live on TV. Joe Biden's performance during the debate was cringeworthy. Every time CNN put him on the split screen, he stared into the distance. He didn't look old. He looked ancient."

New York Times:"During the 90 minutes, Joe Biden struggled with his raspy voice to deliver his text and counter an energetic, albeit deeply dishonest ex-president. This leaves four months before the election with doubts about the ability of the sitting president to run an energetic and competitive campaign. Instead of dispelling concerns about his age, the 81-year-old Biden made it the central theme."

Wall Street Journal:"A Biden associate said he had to turn off the TV multiple times. Another said Biden's performance made Trump look like a statesman. Some Democrats also express concerns about how the debate will affect Biden's campaign donations - and at a time when Trump is working hard to undermine the financial advantage of the president."

BBC:"Before Thursday evening, many Americans had expressed concerns about Joe Biden's age and fitness for office. To say that this debate did not address these concerns would be an understatement."

Guardian:"Joe Biden, visibly tired, mumbled his way through the debate and couldn't deliver his well-crafted sentences accurately. Donald Trump, a prolific spreader of falsehoods, told numerous lies and avoided answering difficult questions."

El Pais:"Biden fails in the debate with Trump to dispel concerns about his age. The ex-president overwhelms him with false information and lies, while Biden himself is unable to keep up in a duel full of personal attacks."

Le Monde:"With a hoarse voice, stuttering and unable to finish his sentences, Joe Biden was unable to dispel concerns about his age. The 78-year-old Donald Trump appeared more combative. For the first time, Americans had to choose between candidates who were both so old."

CBC News:"Joe Biden sounded hoarse, his energy level seemed low, and at several points in the debate he lost his train of thought. (...) And Donald Trump does what Donald Trump often does: he speaks with confidence, he has energy, but much of what he said tonight was absolutely not factually correct."

El Universal:"Biden stumbles while Trump lies and refuses to respect the election result."*

  1. The upcoming US presidential election in 2024 is expected to feature both President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump, stirring interest among TV debate enthusiasts and media outlets worldwide.
  2. The recent TV debate between President Biden and former President Trump sparked concerns about Biden's energy levels and delivery, with numerous press reviews critiquing his raspy voice and inability to keep up with Trump's false information.
  3. Despite Trump's frequently inaccurate statements during the TV debate, criticism focused on Biden's performance, with some media sources suggesting that the event may negatively impact his campaign donations and overall campaign strategy for the 2024 election.

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