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Ways to Assist the Ocean

June 8th is World Ocean Day, yet it may not seem like there's much to rejoice over, given the escalating concerns surrounding warming seas, harmful plastic waste, and deteriorating coral reefs.

Loji Beach, on the island of Java, is one of Indonesia's most contaminated shorelines.
Loji Beach, on the island of Java, is one of Indonesia's most contaminated shorelines.

Ways to Assist the Ocean

There's a lot of things going on in our oceans that are cause for concern, like rising temperatures, plastic waste, and dying coral reefs. But there are small changes we can all make to help improve the situation.

For example, you can choose to eat sustainable seafood, and try to avoid single-use plastics. These simple acts can benefit not only the oceans, but also your own family's health.

Meanwhile, organizations like the Coral Reef Alliance, the Surfrider Foundation, and The Ocean Conservancy are working on the bigger issues.

In Hilo, Hawaii, professors Cliff Kapono and John Burns are teaching students and volunteers how to map out the world's coral reefs before they're lost forever.

Ways to help out

The Coral Reef Alliance is using technology and conservation methods to save the world's reefs.

The Surfrider Foundation and The Ocean Conservancy are taking on the various challenges facing our oceans.

The mission of the Plastic Pollution Coalition, part of the Earth Island Institute, is to eliminate plastic pollution worldwide.

If you want to celebrate World Ocean Day by supporting their efforts, you can donate to the campaign below or click here.

Note: Make sure to replace "**" with the actual link in the original text.

Read also:

In supporting the efforts to save our oceans, you can consider donating to the campaigns of organizations like The Coral Reef Alliance, as demonstrated by the link below. By doing so, you're contributing to the collective effort made by us, the general public, and organizations worldwide.

Moreover, by donating, you're also showing support to initiatives undertaken by institutions such as the Surfrider Foundation and The Ocean Conservancy, which work tirelessly to improve ocean health.

