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Water levels reach record highs in a once-in-a-century flooding event.

South Germany experiences heavy flooding.

Extreme amounts of rain make the emergency services in the area around Bad Grönenbach desperate....
Extreme amounts of rain make the emergency services in the area around Bad Grönenbach desperate. The Zellbach rises extremely quickly. Residents have to be evacuated.

Water levels reach record highs in a once-in-a-century flooding event.

In the vicinity of Lake Constance, water levels in local rivers are increasing hazardously due to last night's heavy rainfall. Multiple towns have issued warnings, and several cities have enacted states of emergency.

Several communities along the rivers in southern Germany could witness severe flooding on Saturday. Although there were no significant floods during the night, a century-old flood is projected in many areas. The regions of Baden-Württemberg and Bavaria are facing a critical weekend. The Bodensee area is of particular concern; approximately 1,300 residents in the Baden-Württemberg village of Meckenbeuren were advised to abandon their homes. Other towns cautioned citizens on Friday evening to steer clear of basements and, if need be, seek shelter elsewhere for several days.

The advice given in Meckenbeuren is not for an evacuation but rather a recommendation, per the announcement made early on Saturday morning. An evacuation has not been scheduled as of yet. "We are still hoping that the weather will become less severe, and the predicted flood levels will be less extreme," expressed Mayor Georg Schellinger on Friday evening.

Prevent Flooding

Nearby in Weingarten near Ravensburg, occupants were urged to avoid basements and under no circumstances sleep in one. This warning was provided by the local fire department on Friday evening. They also suggested remaining with family and friends outside the zones affected by the rising water levels.

"Due to the current uncertainty regarding how quickly the water levels may rise further, increased caution is warranted." It was stated on the fire department's website. It cannot be ruled out that some cities or municipalities will make evacuation orders.

In Lindau am Bodensee, several streets and underpasses were submerged on Friday evening, rendering the city bus service inoperable. The fire department and Technical Relief Organization were on high alert. From a multi-family dwelling, residents were ushered out because of the potential for a short circuit due to the influx of water.

128 Liters of Rain per Square Meter in 24 Hours

In various sections of Baden-Württemberg and Bavaria, the highest warning level is in effect, as per the German Weather Service (DWD), for Saturday. The rain allotted in the night was largely in line with projections. In Sigmarszell, located in the Lindau district, approximately 128 liters of rain fell per square meter within a day. In Ottobeuren in the Unterallgäu district and in Wangen in the Ravensburg district, it was about 108 liters. Kißlegg registered roughly 105 liters, and Weiler-Simmerberg, situated in the Lindau district, witnessed around 104 liters.

The water levels of the rivers are causing trepidation further north, such as on the Danube and its tributaries. Here, there are worries about flooding since such events statistically occur only every 50 to 100 years.

The Zusam river in the Augsburg district has already overflowed, inundated streets, and filled some cellars in the marketplace community of Fischach. Nevertheless, there were no significant damages or injuries, the police reported early on Saturday morning. The Zusam reached level three of four at the Fleinhausen gauge during the night.

"We take this situation very seriously"

Adjacent to the aforementioned areas, Günzburg declared a state of emergency on Friday evening - preventatively. The aim is to better assist potentially afflicted cities and towns. For this, all emergency services within the district are required.

In addition to Günzburg, a state of emergency has also been enacted in the districts of Aichach-Friedberg and Augsburg. Günzburg has already reached the water levels of a once-in-a-century flood, according to the responsible district administration. A once-in-a-century flood is a statistical size and denotes a flood that occurs or surpasses it on average once a century.

As reported by the Water Management Office in Donauwörth, water levels are forecasted to rise on the Günz, Kammel, and Mindel. In Donauwörth, the warning level could be attained on Sunday night or Monday early morning. Camping and recreation areas along the Günz, Kammel, and Mindel should be cleared - these locations may house guests of the Legoland amusement park during the Pentecost holidays.

In the Biberach district, inhabitants in affected territories were instructed to focus on their safety. There is an existing danger. They should assemble an emergency kit and install the NINA warning app on their smartphone to receive timely information - ensure that an alarm sounds when an evacuation order is issued. "The phone must be activated and should not be on flight mode," advised the district administration of the certain regional area of Ravensburg.

Flood risk present in Hesse, eastern Germany weather danger

In other regions, the rain has generated raised water levels in rivers - further rises are anticipated. In Hesse, the regional office for nature conservation, environment and geology suggests a flood that only transpires statistically once every 20 years on the Rhine and Neckar might occur.

In the eastern regions of Germany, residents should brace themselves for hefty downpours and possibly some thunderstorms. However, the anticipated weather in Thuringia, Saxony, and Saxony-Anhalt may not be as bad as first assumed.

Read also:

  1. The extreme weather conditions have led to international concern, with many countries offering assistance to Germany, especially in the affected regions of Bavaria and Baden-Württemberg.
  2. The flooding in Bavaria and Baden-Württemberg is not limited to rivers; in some areas, towns and villages near lakes, like Lake Constance, are also at risk of flood due to the rising water levels.
  3. To prevent further damage and potential loss of life, several international organizations are providing expertise and resources to help in the containment of the flood in extreme weather-affected Bavaria and Baden-Württemberg.



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