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Warsaw's apology from federal law enforcement over cross-border mishap.

Displaced Individuals Left Behind in Poland

Polish-German border crossing near Hohenwutzen.
Polish-German border crossing near Hohenwutzen.

Warsaw's apology from federal law enforcement over cross-border mishap.

​The German cops booted a refugee family, unauthorized in Poland, right back onto Polish soil, causing an uproar in Warsaw. German authorities have acknowledged their blunder and issued a statement addressing the issue.

The German federal police escorted a refugee family back to Poland's border - and now admit to the backlash from Warsaw. "The head of the German federal police department involved has already made amends to the Polish authorities for the mix-up," the German Interior Ministry stated in response to questions. The matter will be sorted out "at various levels" within the German federal police and with the Polish partner authorities.

Over the years, the collaboration between the authorities has been solid and reliable, and adhering to the mutually agreed procedures is thought to be crucial. According to a statement from the Polish Border Guard, its chief also had a conversation with that of the German federal police. Both agree that the German action "was not in line with the acknowledged procedures for accepting and transferring individuals to neighboring countries."

The Polish online news site Chojna24 had earlier posted images depicting a German police van traversing Polish territory on a Friday morning and leaving five refugees on a parking lot in Osinow Dolny. As per witnesses quoted by the website, the transport then promptly returned to Germany. Bystanders notified the Polish police and border guard, who took charge of the refugees.

Tusk steps in as well

The Polish Border Guard criticized the German authorities following the incident. On Monday night, Prime Minister Donald Tusk also intervened, announcing on TV that he would discuss the "unacceptable" incident with Federal Chancellor Olaf Scholz.

According to the German federal police, the circumstances "were different in reality." During the reinstatement of temporary internal border controls, German federal police officers had apprehended a five-member Afghan family in the town of Altmaedewitz, Brandenburg, on Friday night who had attempted to enter illegally. The family carried Polish asylum documents and Polish residential documents for the children, but had not filed an asylum application.

The family was supposed to be processed at the authorities’ office, but as they had not submitted an asylum application, they were to be returned to Poland. To avoid unnecessary detention, the officers made arrangements to contact the Polish authorities via the Common Centre in Swiecko and hand over the five people. Unfortunately, there was no response from the Polish side for several hours, leading the officers, in conjunction with the father, to drive the family towards the German-Polish border at Hohenwutzen and release them there.

Before they reached the border, the children, aged four, six, and eight, allegedly complained about health issues. This prompted the German Federal Police to call the nearest pharmacy in Poland. Due to the mother forgetting her phone at the Federal Police station, she was required to visit the station herself and was later returned to her family in Poland.

"Such an instance is believed to be one-of-a-kind, as per our knowledge," explained the German Federal Police. The officers involved and the father deemed it more crucial to provide immediate assistance to the children than prolonging the journey and postponing the initial medical treatment.

Read also:

The incident involving the German federal police returning a refugee family to Poland's border has prompted discussions about Germany's asylum policy and its relations with neighboring countries, such as Poland. This controversy has led to diplomatic involvement from Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk.

Despite the German federal police admitting to the mix-up, they defended their actions as necessary to provide immediate medical assistance to the children in the refugee family. Despite the unique circumstances, the incident underscores the importance of clear communication and adherence to procedures between the German and Polish authorities when handling migrant issues.



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