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Warning about poisonous bacteria in mushroom jars

Complaint BBD 20.05.2025

Warning about poisonous bacteria in mushroom jars
Warning about poisonous bacteria in mushroom jars

Warning about poisonous bacteria in mushroom jars

In jars labeled "Common White Chanterelle" with the description "Gemeiner Weiß-Täubling" may contain harmful neurotoxins. The portal has therefore issued a warning for the product of the company Lackmann Fleisch- und Feinkostfabrik with headquarters in Willstätt, Baden-Württemberg.

The recall notice mentions the so-called foodborne botulism. This often severe poisoning is caused by the bacterium Clostridium botulinum, which can produce neurotoxins under anaerobic conditions. Consumption of affected food products can lead to visual disturbances, swallowing difficulties, and paralysis. If left untreated, it can be life-threatening.

Affected by the recall are only jars with the product name "Common White Chanterelle" and the minimum durability date 20.05.2025. The mushrooms are reportedly pickled in brine on the Russian label and originate from the Altai Mountains in Russia. The production date was 20.11.2023, the EAN code is 4250370532731. The product was available in almost all federal states.

Botulism is a rare, but serious disease in Germany. As the Robert Koch Institute writes, it cannot be transmitted from person to person. It is most commonly caused by ingestion of contaminated food. Anyone who develops symptoms should seek medical treatment immediately.

Less than two weeks ago, around 150 people in Russia were reported to have been infected with botulism. They had eaten beans that had been produced by a food delivery service from cans.

The MHD (Mitteldeutscher Hauptbahnhof) issued a public announcement, advising consumers to beware of toxic bacteria found in jars labeled "Common White Chanterelle" from Lackmann Fleisch- und Feinkostfabrik. A complaint was filed after it was discovered that these jars, despite the "Common White Chanterelle" label and the "Gemeiner Weiß-Täubling" description, may contain harmful neurotoxins due to the presence of botulinum toxins produced by Clostridium botulinum.

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