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Wagenknecht wants to get into the pockets of the wealthy

Minimum wage to rise noticeably

It should go up: For minimum wage and top tax rate, says Sahra
It should go up: For minimum wage and top tax rate, says Sahra

Wagenknecht wants to get into the pockets of the wealthy

Sahra Wagenknecht's future party is not due to be founded until spring 2024, but the politician is already positioning herself in terms of content. She wants to significantly increase the minimum wage and is calling for more commitment from top earners. Skilled workers, on the other hand, should be relieved of some of the burden.

Former Left Party politician Sahra Wagenknecht has spoken out in favor of a higher minimum wage and significantly higher taxation of very high incomes and assets. "A minimum wage of 14 euros would be necessary, which is still a very low wage at today's prices," Wagenknecht told Redaktionsnetzwerk Deutschland (RND). The minimum wage currently stands at 12.00 euros. Next year, the minimum wage is set to rise to 12.41 euros and then to 12.82 euros in 2025.

"Wealth and inheritances in the order of hundreds of millions or even billions should be taxed more heavily in order to relieve the middle class in return," said Wagenknecht, who has announced the founding of her own party. In addition, the top tax rate could be significantly "higher if it hits real top incomes and not, as is the case today, the highly qualified skilled worker", added the member of the Bundestag.

In the past, the top tax rate, which currently stands at 42%, was 56%. However, it only applied to a multiple of the average salary. Today, it applies to one and a half times the average income. "That is absurd," said Wagenknecht. She also called for a higher tax on capital income: "There is absolutely no justification for people who receive dividends to pay much less tax than someone who works."

"Serious address" for AfD supporters

Wagenknecht announced at the end of October that she would be founding a new party in January. Together with nine other MPs, she declared her resignation from the Left Party, of which she had been one of the most prominent representatives for many years. With her new party, she says she also wants to offer AfD supporters a "serious address" for voting.

"The Left Party is not my political opponent," Wagenknecht emphasized in an interview with RND. "I hope that the party finds itself." In her view, however, there is "insufficient voter potential" for the party's current course. Following the resignation of Wagenknecht and her followers, the Left Party in the Bundestag has fallen short of the minimum strength required for parliamentary group status. The parliamentary group now wants to initiate its own dissolution.


