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Wagenknecht party deemed insignificant by ARD for election debates

Court decides in favor of the broadcaster.

Ein Wahlplakat der Partei BSW - Spitzenkandidat ist aber eigentlich Fabio De Masi.
Ein Wahlplakat der Partei BSW - Spitzenkandidat ist aber eigentlich Fabio De Masi.

Wagenknecht party deemed insignificant by ARD for election debates

In the ARD program "Wahlarena 2024 Europa," different political leaders will engage in debates. Sahra Wagenknecht's alliance, however, is not part of this event. The party made an attempt to sue over this matter but failed. The court explained their reasoning in a rather firm manner.

The top candidate for the European election of the New Sahra Wagenknecht Alliance (BSW) does not have to be invited to the ARD show "Wahlarena 2024 Europa." This was determined by the Cologne Administrative Court and denied an emergency application from the BSW against the West German Broadcasting (WDR).

The court stated that the WDR has the authority to decide on the show's discussion participants. Furthermore, the BSW's presence was deemed sufficient via other public-law election programs, according to the court.

The "Wahlarena 2024 Europa" is set to occur Thursday, mere days before the European election. Various parties have been extended invitations to the show, including SPD, CDU, CSU, Greens, FDP, AfD, and the Left.

The concept behind the show includes only inviting parties with a certain number of representatives in the current European Parliament and those considered relevant in terms of previous successes in Germany.

The BSW expressed discontent over not being considered for inclusion. They believed their right to equal opportunities had been violated. The party also claimed they had great prospects of becoming the fifth strongest force in Germany in the European Parliament. What's more, the FDP and the Left are reportedly not as successful in recent polling compared to the BSW.

The court dismissed these arguments. Public-law broadcasters must also acknowledge parties in editorial programs before elections based on their importance. The WDR complied with this, the court asserted, by not inviting the BSW to the "Wahlarena" but "providing them with ample opportunities to reach voters in other election-related programs."

The limitation to representatives of already-present parties in the current European Parliament was deemed acceptable. This is because the show's purpose involves evaluating the parliamentary work of the invited parties. Additionally, the BSW's significance is primarily built on "largely unverifiable and partly objectively verifiable indicators," the court asserted.

The BSW did not present any significant election results to challenge the decision. An appeal can be filed with the North Rhine-Westphalia Higher Administrative Court in Münster. The BSW spokesperson for the European election is the former Left politician, Fabio De Masi. The voting will occur in Germany this coming Sunday.

Read also:

Despite the New Sahra Wagenknecht Alliance (BSW) contesting the decision, the Cologne Administrative Court ruled that ARD's broadcaster WDR has the right to determine the participants in their "Wahlarena 2024 Europa" election debate show. This decision came after the BSW attempted to sue over their exclusion from the event.

In the European elections, the BSW's top candidate will not be invited to the ARD program "Wahlarena 2024 Europa," despite arguments from the party that their exclusion contradicts their potential to become one of Germany's top five forces in the European Parliament.




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