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Wagenknecht fears damage in potential state governments

BSW: Not disappoint the voter

The Wagenknecht Alliance could soon co-govern in Thuringia, but actually has other plans.
The Wagenknecht Alliance could soon co-govern in Thuringia, but actually has other plans.

Wagenknecht fears damage in potential state governments

The BSW has only existed for a few months, but it has already achieved notable values in elections and surveys. Party chair Wagenknecht is already considering possible government participations - but not necessarily on a state level. That could be harmful, believes the party chair.

BSW chair Sahra Wagenknecht has expressed skepticism about a state-level government participation of her named party. "We entered politics to change things in Germany, and that's mainly possible on a federal level," said Wagenknecht to the Funke Media Group newspapers. CDU leader Friedrich Merz had previously openly expressed interest in cooperation with the Alliance Sahra Wagenknecht on a state-level.

Wagenknecht expressed concerns about disappointment from people if the BSW participated in state governments. "If we govern in a state, there's a certain risk: Some people expect, for example, better pensions - that's urgently needed, but we'll hardly be able to achieve that in a state government," said the former Left Party politician.

However, she did not rule out a BSW government participation in state elections in Brandenburg, Thuringia, and Saxony after September. "But we will only join a government if we secure substantial improvements for the people," Wagenknecht added conditions. Concretely, she mentioned "better education, no further hospital closures, bureaucracy reduction, Corona-recovery."

Merz sees no cooperation in the Federal Government

Merz stated in the ARD "Summer Interview" on Sunday evening that any cooperation with the BSW must be decided on a state level. "What's possible on a state level, that must then be decided on the state level." As an example, he mentioned Thuringia, where CDU state chairman Mario Voigt has signaled openness for an alliance with the Wagenknecht Party.

A cooperation between CDU/CSU and BSW on a federal level Merz again excluded. "These are completely different political ideas and visions," said the 68-year-old in the interview. The Russia proximity of Wagenknecht and the BSW is a key issue here.

Wagenknecht's skepticism towards a state-level government participation of the BSW is shared by Friedrich Merz, who believes any cooperation should be decided on a state level. Merz mentioned Thuringia as an example where the CDU state chairman has signaled openness for an alliance with the Wagenknecht Party. Despite Merz's stance, Wagenknecht did not completely rule out a BSW participation in state elections in Brandenburg, Thuringia, and Saxony after September, provided they secure substantial improvements for the people.

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