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Wagenknecht accuses Ukrainians of social fraud - mayor contradicts

Dispute over refugees

Sahra Wagenknecht said in mid-November that Ukrainian refugees were "effectively" living in
Sahra Wagenknecht said in mid-November that Ukrainian refugees were "effectively" living in their home country "and only coming here to get the benefit"

Wagenknecht accuses Ukrainians of social fraud - mayor contradicts

Former left-wing politician Sahra Wagenknecht accuses Ukrainian refugees of social fraud and points to her home town in Saarland as evidence. However, no such cases are known there. When asked, Wagenknecht vaguely refers to "citizens".

It is a serious accusation that Sahra Wagenknecht made of Ukrainian refugees in an interview with RTL/ntv a few weeks ago. In her adopted home of Merzig in Saarland, she had witnessed for herself how Ukrainians apply for benefits - and then return to Ukraine. She left open the extent of this alleged social fraud.

However, research in Merzig shows that Wagenknecht's accusation is not shared locally. The mayor of the district town also clearly contradicts the former left-wing politician.

Wagenknecht had said: "If Ukrainians go back to their home country, live there in fact, and only come here to get the benefit, then there are big question marks." When asked whether she knew of any specific cases, she replied: "In my home town, entire houses were rented for Ukrainian refugees and the neighbors were surprised that there was no one there." However, she did not want to "generalize".

Background: Citizen's allowance recipients must be available for the job center. An "absence from the place of residence" of up to three weeks is permitted without good cause, but this must be applied for at the Jobcenter.

The mayor knows of one case

In discussions with social organizations, local refugee helpers, church representatives and several local politicians in Merzig, it becomes clear that most of them are surprised by Wagenknecht's statements. According to their own statements, none of the people interviewed by RTL/ntv had any knowledge of such events. In the district and in the town, suspected Ukrainian benefit fraudsters are not a topic of conversation.

Even in the pedestrian zone of Merzig, no one can be found who confirms Wagenknecht's allegations. Many, on the other hand, are positively surprised by the Ukrainian refugees in their town. Whether at the fruit shop, the bakery or the stationery store - the Ukrainians are welcome customers and guests in many places.

Merzig's Lord Mayor Marcus Hoffeld from the CDU writes: "There was a case where an apartment allocated for Ukrainian refugees was not used by the family for a period of around three weeks and stood empty. This was reported to the district town of Merzig." The family had been in Ukraine during this time and then returned. Hoffeld cannot confirm that, as Wagenknecht describes, "entire houses" are standing empty for Ukrainian refugees.

Wagenknecht refers to nameless "citizens"

So what is behind Wagenknecht's claims? Does she know what the mayor and several local politicians in Merzig don't know or don't want to admit? Or is she fishing for approval by describing an isolated case on the right-wing fringe? After all, an association called Bündnis Sahra Wagenknecht is currently preparing to found a new party.

When asked, only an employee from her parliamentary office responded: "The city of Merzig has rented over 120 apartments and houses for refugees. In addition to the case confirmed by the administration, Ms. Wagenknecht received further information. However, for understandable reasons, the citizens who contacted her as a member of parliament do not want their addresses to be passed on and are also not available for press inquiries."

In short: Wagenknecht's claims may or may not be true. In any case, she cannot provide any evidence.

Despite Wagenknecht's accusations of social fraud by Ukrainian refugees in Saarland, the mayor of Merzig, where she lives, only knows of one specific case where an apartment was vacant for about three weeks due to the family being in Ukraine. Wagenknecht's claims about entire houses being vacant for refugees remain unsubstantiated.

The Bündnis Sahra Wagenknecht, an association preparing to found a new party, has reportedly received further information from "citizens" in Merzig about Ukrainian refugees, but these individuals wish to remain anonymous and are unavailable for press inquiries.




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