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Voting in Europe, Dutch anticipate leaning towards the conservative side.

Millions of EU Citizens Vote: 360 Million People Wield Influence in Electing the European Parliament; Initial Elections Occur in the Netherlands, With Potential for Extremist Wilders' Triumph.

Geert Wilders from the radical-right Party for Freedom (PVV) during his vote in The Hague for the...
Geert Wilders from the radical-right Party for Freedom (PVV) during his vote in The Hague for the European elections.

Voting sessions - Voting in Europe, Dutch anticipate leaning towards the conservative side.

The European elections have commenced. The Netherlands spearheaded this process with approximately 13.5 million potent voters having the opportunity to elect their representatives to the European Parliament. Current forecasts indicate a marked inclination towards the right. For the first time in the realm of European elections, the populist PVV headed by Geert Wilders could rise as the leading force. Concordant with predictions for the entire continent, extreme right-wing parties are projected to acquire significant gains.

Initial projections are scheduled to surface subsequent to the shutdown of all voting stations in the Netherlands at 9 pm. Results will remain concealed until all voting stations across the EU have been closed. This will occur on Sunday evening.

Approximately 360 million Europeans are afforded the right to determine the 720 members of the parliament. Citizens of the remaining 26 EU states will voice their opinions in the imminent days. Following the Netherlands, Ireland and the Czech Republic will assume the mantle, with a day's delay Italy, Latvia, Malta, and Slovakia will follow suit. The majority will elect their representatives on Sunday. For the first time, German citizens under the age of 18 can express their views in a European election.

A unique element in Estonia

Estonian citizens could vote electronically since Tuesday - from any computer or smartphone. The elector can also partake in the world's initial "e-voting" system. Ultimately, only the final vote cast registers. The e-voting is slated to perform until Saturday. On election day, Sunday, traditional voting through ballot papers is the only available option.

The first projections for the Netherlands are anticipated this evening at 9 pm. According to surveys, the right-wing Freie Partei (Freiheit) of populist Geert Wilders is anticipated to be the strongest contender, followed by the red-green coalition of the labor social party and the Green party GroenLinks. The nativist party of Wilders, which prior to this contest, held a lone seat in the Brussels parliament, had stunningly won the parliamentary election in November.

Wilders had previously championed a "Nexit", an exit of the Netherlands from the EU, but has since remotivated this morale. Now, Wilders intends to collaborate with other radical right-wing parties to "thwart the EU from within." He stated this in April.

Which candidate will triumph in Germany?

The recent German polls hint towards a comprehensive victory for the CDU and CSU. The AfD outshone the SPD and the Greens in these polls.

The European Parliament holds pivotal importance in the inception of new EU regulations and the distribution of monies, such as the billion-dollar EU agricultural subsidy. Nevertheless, most legislations undergo negotiations with the EU states and must also secure a majority in the Council of Ministers, where officials from the respective member countries make decisions. The parliament can also impact the constitution of the EU Commission. Although it is initially up to the heads of state and government to propose a candidate for the presidential position, the parliament can dismiss this individual. The current German EU Commission President Ursula von der Leyen (CDU) is favored for the post.

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