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Voter turnout in France higher than last time

First projections in the evening

President Macron was voting with his wife Brigitte.
President Macron was voting with his wife Brigitte.

Voter turnout in France higher than last time

After the disappointing outcome of the EU election for him, French President Macron calls for a sudden vote on the composition of the National Assembly. Observers expect a strengthening of the right-wing populists and high voter turnout. At least the latter is already a fact.

In the first round of the advanced parliamentary election in France, voter turnout is significantly higher than in previous elections at noon. According to the Interior Ministry, almost 26 percent of eligible voters had cast their ballots by 12:00 PM. In the 2022 election, the turnout was only 18.4 percent at this time. Due to the significance of the ballot, record turnout was expected prior to the vote.

The election of the 577 deputies of the French National Assembly is decisive and could bring the Right-wing National Rally (RN) of Marine Le Pen to power for the first time. Over 49 million eligible voters were called upon to vote. Preliminary results are expected around 8:00 PM.

Several leading politicians had already cast their votes in the morning, including former Presidents Nicolas Sarkozy and François Hollande. In Nice, the head of a polling station was attacked by a poll worker who tried to prevent the polling station from opening, according to the Mayor of Nice, Christian Estrosi. The police arrested the attacker.

Surveys see Macron's camp in third place

President Emmanuel Macron hopes to build on his relative majority in parliament through the sudden new election he called. The right-wing National Rally of Marine Le Pen and the new Left coalition of Greens, Communists, Socialists, and the Left Party aim for a government change. However, Macron's presidency is not at stake in the advanced election.

Macron called for the new election after the setback of his government in the European election in early June. His hope that the French would vote differently in a national election than in the EU-wide ballot seems to be contradicted by the surveys. Surveys showed Macron's forces in the first of two voting rounds on Sunday only in third place. The right-wing National Rally was in first place, followed by the Left coalition.

The National Assembly is one of two French parliamentary chambers. It is involved in legislation and can topple the government through a vote of no confidence. If another block besides Macron's center block were to gain an absolute majority, Macron would be de facto forced to appoint a prime minister from their ranks.

In response to the surveys indicating his camp in third place, Emmanuel Macron's hopes for a government change in the National Assembly election seem uncertain. The Right-wing Rassemblement National led by Marine Le Pen continues to maintain a strong position, potentially leading to a shift in the political landscape of France. Under French democracy, if another block obtains an absolute majority, Macron would be required to appoint a prime minister from their ranks, potentially marking a significant change in France's politics.

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