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Von der Leyen will stricter rules for social networks

Ursula von der Leyen is convinced: Social media have a partly negative impact on the psychological health of young people. She intends to act against it.

Ursula von der Leyen will strictly regulate social networks.
Ursula von der Leyen will strictly regulate social networks.

Better mental health - Von der Leyen will stricter rules for social networks

To protect children and adolescents from depressions and other psychological diseases, Ursula von der Leyen intends to strictly regulate social networks. "We are seeing more and more reports about what some call a crisis of mental health," said the CDU politician before the Members of the European Parliament in Strasbourg. The German top politician stated that social media contribute to people's psychological deterioration.

In her application speech for a second term as EU Commission President, she announced measures such as taking actions against addictive designs of certain online platforms. Furthermore, she intends to commission an investigation into the impact of social media on the health of young people. "It is our responsibility towards them, and we will not rest until we have done the right thing for them," she said, looking at young people. "My heart bleeds when I read about young people who harm themselves due to online bullying or even take their own lives."

Ursula von der Leyen, in her role as EU Commission President, has expressed concern about the mental health crisis among children and adolescents, particularly in relation to the excessive use of social networks in Strasbourg. Recognizing the potential negative impact of social media on people's psychological wellbeing, she advocates for stricter regulations to protect young individuals. Within her vision for a second term, she plans to implement measures against addictive designs of certain online platforms and commission an investigation into the relationship between social media and youth health within the European Union. As a committed politician, she stated, "It is our responsibility towards them, and we will not rest until we have done the right thing for them."

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