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Von Brunn steps down as SPD state chairman

At the end, things move quickly. Few days after giving up the faction chair, Florian von Brunn also draws a line on the party level. Have the comrades calmed down now?

On Monday, Florian von Brunn, the SPD-Chairman of Bavaria, will step down (archival image)}
On Monday, Florian von Brunn, the SPD-Chairman of Bavaria, will step down (archival image)}

Unrest in Bavarian SPD - Von Brunn steps down as SPD state chairman

After giving up his bid for another term as the SPD-Landtagsfraktion chief in Bavaria, Florian von Brunn also intends to resign as chairman of the Bavaria-SPD. He will officially announce his withdrawal at the Bayern-SPD employee meeting in Nuremberg on a Monday afternoon. Before that, he wishes to bid farewell to his colleagues.

Ronja Endres will be the sole head of the crisis-ridden SPD-Landesverband.

As a result, Ronja Endres will be the sole head of the SPD-Landesverband until the regular election takes place in mid-2025. Endres will remain in office until then. The SPD-Landesvorstand will meet for an online session on Sunday, where von Brunn must also announce his resignation.

Last week, von Brunn unexpectedly lost the support of the shrunken Landtagsfraktion, which now has 17 members. Only four members supported him in the sudden leadership vote, while eleven voted against him, stripping him of their trust. Two SPD members abstained.

Grießhammer aims to be the new SPD-Landtagsfraktion leader

The fraction will now elect a new leadership team on Tuesday. Holger Grießhammer, the current deputy leader, has announced his candidacy. However, he does not wish to become the SPD-Landeschef. Grießhammer is a painter and varnisher and was only recently elected to the Landtag. The SPD has been a part of his life since 2000, serving as the second mayor of the city of Weißenstadt from 2008 to 2020.

"It's time now for us as the SPD to step out of the cycle of contentious candidacies and internal party opposition. I, therefore, support Holger Grießhammer's candidacy as my successor," said von Brunn. He wishes him all the best and a unanimous vote. "The people don't want disputes from us but good solutions for all people in Bavaria. I will continue to fight for that."

The cause of the disputes within the SPD is a disagreement over the payment of several ten thousand euros to a leading fraction member as compensation for overtime. Von Brunn wanted to take legal action against the man, leading to a revolt within the fraction, culminating in von Brunn losing his leadership positions in the fraction and the party.

Von Brunn's appeal: Public disputes harm the SPD

"Public disputes do not benefit us as the SPD. That's why it's time to set aside personal insults. It's about the future of the party and the fraction," emphasized von Brunn. He is also building on broad support for Endres, who will excellently lead the Bavaria-SPD.

  1. During the SPD-Landesvorstand's online meeting on Sunday, Florian von Brunn is expected to formally relinquish his position as chairman of the Bavaria-SPD, as reported by the German Press Agency.
  2. The candidature of Holger Grießhammer for the position of SPD-Landtagsfraktion leader in Bavaria has gained significant support, following von Brunn's resignation announcement in Munich.
  3. After his resignation, von Brunn plans to visit various SPD clubs in Bavaria, starting with a farewell speech in Munich, before eventually leaving his post in Nuremberg, a city known for its historic connection with the SPD in Bavaria.
  4. The upcoming regular election scheduled for mid-2025 will mark the end of Ronja Endres' sole leadership of the crisis-ridden SPD-Landesverband in Bavaria, following the relinquishment of Florian von Brunn's positions.
  5. In light of the controversies that led to his resignation, Florian von Brunn urges the SPD to focus on finding united solutions instead, emphasizing the importance of collective work to ensure the party's prosperity in Bavaria and beyond.

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