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Voluntary Craft Year: Four Professions in twelve Months

Goldsmith, barber or rather carpenter? Many young people are uncertain which profession suits them. The Chamber of Crafts Lübeck offers a special form of orientation now.

The Chamber of Crafts Lübeck has created a special offer for workforce acquisition in the craft...
The Chamber of Crafts Lübeck has created a special offer for workforce acquisition in the craft sector (archive image).

Gainning young talents in crafts - Voluntary Craft Year: Four Professions in twelve Months

With a voluntary Craft Year (FHJ), interested individuals will be given the opportunity to get to know four different craft professions within twelve months. Young people and students can therefore spend three months each in a company and try out a craft profession, as the Chamber of Crafts Lübeck announces, which has initiated the project. Over 130 professions are available for selection.

New Opportunity for Vocational Discovery

"Many young people wish for more practical experience in vocational orientation," says the Managing Director of the Chamber of Crafts Lübeck, Andreas Katschke. He is pleased, "to have created the first offer in Germany with the Voluntary Craft Year for young people to discover: Does this suit me?"

There are so many career opportunities, which can lead to uncertainties, as Katschke points out. "Most people know this question: Could I have been something else – a good carpenter, goldsmith or mechanic? But they never had the opportunity to find that out." This new offer creates entirely new opportunities in vocational discovery.

Chamber facilitates contacts to companies

Interested young people and students, who are considering whether an apprenticeship might be right for them, can register with the Chamber of Crafts Lübeck from now on. They receive individual career advice, during which potential training professions are identified. Afterwards, the Chamber of Crafts Lübeck establishes a direct contact to training companies that offer the FHJ.

Interested individuals gather practical experience and get to know the training companies. In addition, participants receive a monthly allowance of 450 Euro gross from the companies.

The Voluntary Craft Year is solely available in Schleswig-Holstein, with Lübeck leading the initiative through the Chamber of Crafts. This program allows individuals to explore four different craft professions over a period of twelve months.

Katschke, the Managing Director of the Chamber of Crafts Lübeck, shares that many young people seek more practical experience in vocational orientation. He is thrilled to provide this first-of-its-kind opportunity in Germany, enabling individuals to explore various professions, such as carpentry, goldsmithing, or mechanics.

To make the most of this opportunity, interested young people and students can register with the Chamber of Crafts in Lübeck. They will receive personalized career advice, helping to identify potential training professions. Once resolved, the Chamber establishes direct contact to training companies in Schleswig-Holstein offering the Voluntary Craft Year, where participants gain hands-on experience and receive a monthly allowance of 450 Euro gross.

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